In China,’Pig Ebola’ Spreads Like Wildfire – IOTW Report

In China,’Pig Ebola’ Spreads Like Wildfire

African swine fever, or “pig ebola,” is sweeping across Asian swine herds and causing untold levels of destruction.

WJ: If there’s one thing Chinese people love, it’s pork.

The country is the world’s largest consumer of all things pig, with residents of the communist country putting away more than 50 million tons of pork a year. The United States, by comparison, consumes only roughly 10 million tons.

The fat and protein content, as well as the varied cuts and methods of preparation, make the meat an appealing addition to many dishes.

Unfortunately for China, it looks like the era of cheap pork is nearing an end, and it comes right as the country is engaged in a trade war with the U.S. — an agricultural giant. read more

19 Comments on In China,’Pig Ebola’ Spreads Like Wildfire

  1. Just take a page out of the American dietary guidelines and tell the chinese people meat is like bad or something in order to kick off a Beyond Pork company. Have AOC be the spokesperson, then she can come back to the states to lecture us about how the chinese have switched to a healthy all soy diet thereby saving the worlds!

  2. The Chinese people are commies, the learn to do without for their country. When the masses realize that their leaders have all the food, there will be a massive revolution. Even the Chinese Army will turn on the leadership as well. Kinda like what the French Revolution was like but only with bigger bullets. Fun times.

  3. The Chinese people are commies, they learn to do without for their country. When the masses realize that their leaders have all the food, there will be a massive revolution. Even the Chinese Army will turn on the leadership as well. Kinda like what the French Revolution was like but only with bigger bullets. Fun times.

  4. When the trade war ends, China will be so desperate for safe pork, American pork suppliers should look forward to incredible trade deals in their favor.
    Still winning. KAG!


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