Meanwhile, In Russia: military conducts a series of intercontinental ballistic missile tests – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, In Russia: military conducts a series of intercontinental ballistic missile tests

While our media and stupid “right-wing” NeverTrump bloggers, and other assorted morons, obsess over Trump’s crassness, this is happening-

International News: Russia´s military conducted a series of intercontinental ballistic missile tests on Wednesday, the latest flexing of its muscles as tensions with the US spike over Syria.

Russian forces fired a nuclear-capable rocket from a Pacific Fleet submarine in the Sea of Okhotsk north of Japan, state-run RIA Novosti reported.

A Topol missile was shot off from a submarine in the Barents Sea, and a third was launched from an inland site in the north-west of the vast country, Russian agencies reported.

The latest display of might by Moscow — which has been conducting regular military drills since ties with the West slumped in 2014 over Ukraine — comes as tensions have shot up in recent days.

Russia has pulled the plug on a series of deals with the US — including a symbolic disarmament pact between the two nuclear powers to dispose of weapons-grade plutonium — as Washington has halted talks on Syria.

The Kremlin has also moved an air defence missile system and missile cruisers to the war-ravaged country to bolster its forces there.

That comes as the West has accused Moscow of committing potential war crimes in its bombing of rebel-held part of the city of Aleppo in support of an assault by regime forces.

Washington has previously lashed out at Moscow for resorting to alleged “nuclear sabre-rattling” as East-West relations fell to the worst level since the Cold War following Russia´s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine in March 2014.

10 Comments on Meanwhile, In Russia: military conducts a series of intercontinental ballistic missile tests

  1. You know, Obama could really put Hillary over the top if he pulled her off the campaign trail she isn’t on, and brought her into the Crisis Situation Room which is empty, to add her brilliance to the dicussion. Wonder why he’s not doing that.

  2. pay no attention to the giant, mean bear behind the curtain

    instead, black lives matter, lgbts should not have their feelings hurt, illegals and muslims must be ignored as a problem

    oh, missiles inbound, bend over and kiss all your pussy asses goodbye

  3. Obobo doesn’t understand why the Russians don’t cower and cringe when he struts struts struts, clutches his pearls, and threatens to hit them with his bag, swag. Beyonce Obobo…that’s who we have now… Even as ugly as he is, in drag he is more so.

  4. Missiles inbound… we must bomb closed the entries to the under America tunnels and let the fairy unicorn fart sniffer suck it up like the rest of us. Hope he and reggie the holebuster fry first. followed by Granny Grimm and Bubba.

  5. Right after Victoria “F* the EU”Nuland, and #1 Benghazi liar, was there for ‘peace’ talks. Or whatever they call the agreement. Now Lurch threatens cyber attacks. We have imbeciles in power that lack historical understanding.

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