…Meanwhile, inside the university the faculty and students are chanting KILL WHITEY!!! – IOTW Report

…Meanwhile, inside the university the faculty and students are chanting KILL WHITEY!!!

Looks like PLARN to me.

It’s getting to the point where all these hysterical shrieks of “noose” are making me want to string up someone… and not a black person, but A WHITE PROGRESSIVE – the facilitators of this nonsense, or noosence.

When was the last friggin time any black person was lynched in America? This is like Indians running around pointing at discarded toupees and screaming “SCALPINGS!!!!”

(Yeah, yeah, the Indians did the scalping. Shut up, you get my point.)

More at Campus Reform


21 Comments on …Meanwhile, inside the university the faculty and students are chanting KILL WHITEY!!!

  1. Free housing, free groceries, a lifetime of free stuff, free college for even the lowest IQs, guaranteed employment at no-work government “jobs”, cash payments for every new useless illegitimate welfare recipient born.

    Not much return on the Dem’s 55 year “investment”.

  2. “In response, another student remarked that “I’m sick and tired of all these fucking nooses.”

    Nothing like getting tied up in knots over nothing. Poor little f#@%ing snowflake.

  3. They’ve found three nooses at the Black Museum in DC, and Lonnie G. Bunch, the Museum’s founding director, is fit to be tied…um, really pissed off about it. But even in this age of security cameras and Big Brother, they just can’t seem to catch the rayciss mofo(s) who are leaving the nooses…

    “So, Lonnie, how is the police investigation coming? You are the curator of a $540 million edifice that opened in 2016, so clearly you must have video cameras everywhere. LeBron James gave you $2.5 million that you could have used on cameras (although, come to think of it, LeBron seems a little under-cameraed himself). It should be simple to catch the malefactor, right? But it’s been over three weeks …”


  4. That’s a crappy noose. The enforcement arm of the democrat party used to use real rope. Did I say democrat party? I meant the KKK. Or did I have it right both times…

  5. Patience has been lost with these agitators’ drama.
    They are boring me. In the old days, before we got used to their Schtick, we’d be saying “but what if we hollered kill Niggah?” There’d be outrage.
    But they’ve reached alinsky #7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

  6. I guess when you don’t have the gonads to go out in the real world and take real risks, you have to resort to fantasy when you need to feel important and brave.

  7. Lordy,
    It looks like the gather strip on a kitchen bag.
    It must be hell to have every single thing, object, word, drawing, sign, view, sight, action and audible sound in the entire observable universe be offensive in some way.
    Puppies and Coloring books, Stat!

  8. We Can Do and Experiance Just about Anything in Our World Today !
    So Much so that Some Think they Can Time Travel to the 60s, and Re-live What they Were too Young For When it actually Happened !
    Mix in Some Pills With Their Delerium , And You Get Fantasy Think !!!

  9. Hey, let’s not be harsh. It takes all kinds of people to fill this wonderful world of ours. There’s plenty of room for these historically illiterate, drug addled, two-digit IQ snowflakes… face down in a six foot ditch 2500 miles long.

  10. Rejoice, they have nothing. Their leadership is about to be indicted or placed in AlzCare. The Slimes can’t afford its mortgage and CNNISIS has to fire Minitrue minions by the day.


  11. Much like the unfortunate living conditions for those that undertake the time and expense to fly over, train over, be driven over, and then walk over, to the caliphate… what’s the problem with killing whiteys that choose to go to university?

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