Meanwhile There Are Libertarian Debates Going On – IOTW Report

Meanwhile There Are Libertarian Debates Going On


Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, who is again running for the Libertarian nomination for president in 2016, took a vulgar shot at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump at Saturday’s Libertarian Party Debate in Mississippi.

Johnson – at center – at the Libertarian Party debate on Saturday.
“I’ve climbed the seven summits – the highest mountain on each continent. Donald Trump’s a 
p—-,” Johnson told the audience, receiving a “hear, hear” from fellow Libertarian candidate John McAfee and laughter from others.

“If Donald Trump’s the nominee, and Hillary [Clinton] is the nominee – if that isn’t an opportunity for the Libertarian Party, I don’t know what is,” he said.

Johnson is a favorite in Libertarian circles.

He ran for president on the Libertarian ticket in 2012 after he originally launched his campaign as a Republican. He was named the official Libertarian presidential nominee and eventually received just under 1 percent of the popular vote in the general election.

The 1.2 million votes he got was the most successful third-party presidential campaign since 2000 and best in the Libertarian Party’s history.

He received 3.55 percent of the popular vote here in New Mexico.

7 Comments on Meanwhile There Are Libertarian Debates Going On

  1. pbunyan
    March 2, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    What’s the difference between Trump and Johnson? One has greater than a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected President while the other does not.

    A multi-billion dollar question if I ever saw one.

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