Meanwhile, this is what Biden is doing… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, this is what Biden is doing…

86 Comments on Meanwhile, this is what Biden is doing…

  1. Many years ago, I tried to convince a buddy how destructive the 5.56 round was. He was not into any weapon that used that round and scoffed at it. We went to his hunting lease and I handed him my Mini-14 to try. He spotted an armadillo and shot it. When he walked up to it all he saw was a tiny hole where he had aimed his bullet. He laughed at the hole and began to bad mouth the round’s effectiveness. I flipped the armadillo over and the whole far side of the hapless animal was gone, being vaporized into mist. He about crapped his pants. I made a believer out of him that day my friends.


    Something savage and out of hand. Rotating barrel, 7 thousand rounds per minute, ceramic coat, grenade launcher, bottle opener, folding stock, iron sights, drum mags and a laser mount.

    Can an electric car horn that plays La’ Cucaracha fit in the stock?

  3. @Brad
    I own guns that shoot 5.56/.223, 300 BLK, 7.62X39 and 5.45X39. Each has advantages and disadvantages. When the SHTF, the 5.56/.223 will be replenishable from the corpses of tyrants. The others, not so much.

  4. Wow.

    It just hit me. Brad could be the George Barris of gun builders.
    I already know that people get paid extraordinary amounts of money to engrave… but what if….. someone made a gun…functional of course, as George Barris’s cars were. After all, the Munster Koach was clocked at 150. Why couldn’t someone make a gun thats like an Art piece. Big Daddy Roth style or futuristic….over the top stuff. Chrome and l.e.d. lights. Hydraulics…

    I wonder if this idea will seem as cool in the morning.

  5. OK, nobody gets what I’m saying….I’ll take a Bad_Brad Gene Winfield edition AR…..Go to the library Burr and see what was happening 10 years before your mom gave you up for adoption on her 15th birthday….

  6. Ok, I’ll see your two posts and raise you all of “Full Custom Garage” you can stand….Develope an AR platform with Ian!!!… Isn’t it enough that all of our mothers are dead?…..

  7. “Neither are these guys.”

    If they’re in Mexico they might be close to death. I almost put a sports fisher down in Cabo back in the early 90’s. And then I get a new Salt Water Magizine and it’s covering all the fisherman down in Baja getting killed. By the Federalies. Taking their boats. They had a picture of the Popo Captain responsible. Same Son Of Bitch that tried to shoot Earnest Borgnine in the Wild Bunch. Greasy Son Of A Bitch. Could have been his son I guess.

  8. Brad…..they run in Texas. They just say Mexico so no cops know where they are. I have the sticker on the back of my 66′. It’s an invite to get silly at stoplights and burn out when the light changes.

    Also…..Mehico doesn’t have freeways like we do. It’s just an informal club for people who do sh!t like like a pop a drag chute in front of the cops and/or blow up an engine while running nitrous.

    The line “you boys like Mexico?” is from the Super Troopers movie.

  9. SHAZAMM! Joe6pak….It means something like you quit picking on each other, especially momma jokes, but I can understand your need to have sarcasm interpreted….Oregon or Washington?….you need to get out….

  10. Burr
    I am a some what reformed street racer. Had a sub 11.5 Mopar A body with a 340. D port heads big ass cam. When I needed money I drive up to the Shell Station on 280 and Alpine road and watch for the kids to show up in moms Ferrari. I had a bud that worked their. Sand Bag one race, but make it close, and those zit popping youngster were mine. Spent a lot of time a Fremont Drag Strip. The good old days.

  11. Who’s mom is dead? Not mine. She’s awesome. She’ll outlive me she’s so Norwegian.

    I told ya’ I wuz just messin’ wit ya. Jeeze, how long have you all known me? I’m a FedGov baby. Born on a Marine base in N.C.

    I love Mesikin culture because I grew up with it. I don’t like Puerto Ricans or Cubans or Guatemalans…Chileans are pretty dope… and I only like Argentina because they’re such emotional bitches.

    I do seem to be much more inclined towards shenanigans and street culture than any of my Weegie relatives. Hence the joke in the family that I’m adopted.

    Mom was a schoo teacher who taught me Spanish so I could fit in with my friends easier. We were all Marine kidz. Some of us went into gangs, some of us got kilt and some of us keep on ticking like the energizer bunny. Still, messing around in the streets, still messing with the police, still having a hell of a good time.

    Unlike my Mexican counterparts….. I like to go White Boy fast.
    I got lucky is all.

  12. Joe6pak….WHUT?….Your Globsnobber switch is pointed to the fiasco in your fire pit….and yes my mom is dead and continues to be…….”.My Mom died in Mexico and I was adopted by a Marine family when I was a bebe.”… sorry Burr….I didn’t know the depth of Norwegians military family’s in Mexico in 1982…..LUTEFISK FOR ALL!!!!

  13. First street San Jose Was a racers play ground. Pick Up your races and head to Lawrence Express way and Caspian Drive. Marriots Great America covers most of it now. We were running the back roads right before they started construction on the place one night, pitch black. But the were burning off all the old crops. Surrealistic as hell. Swung back to where the races where to hook up with all my buds I met in traffic school and a Vette just center punched some dumb ass in a van trying to cross in front of a couple guys racing. Bodies all over the road. Me and my pals get the fxck back the the free way. 5:13 gears I’m cranking 5800 rpm doing 60. Open tubes. We all split off into a residential area nest exit. Park on some side streets. I bet they had 30 helicopters in the air. We watched patrol cars pass on the intersecting streets in front of us. It was light when we made it home. Damn I miss those days. Not the dead people.

  14. Brad. My old roommate in S.F. was about your age. He lived in a time when after dinner, he could hop on his Triumph and ride all the bridges. Like that was no big deal. Mindblowing.

    That’s the only reason I’m jealous of older people. You guys had the roads to your selves, pretty much. I mean today’s roads are all cracked and beat up and crowded. Plus, parts and cars were relatively cheap. Golden era. It’s a grind nowadays. I keep trying to find stuff that isn’t popular and expensive but everything, even VWs are pricey.

    I’m sayin’ I’m envious. But…..I totally get why it isn’t like that anymore.

  15. Burr
    Yes, and I’m willing to bet the road in bum fuck AZ are far superior to ANYTHING in California. More of my bull shit, sorry, half buzzed,
    I sold my 69 z28 a while back. Yanked the DZ302 and put a 383 stroker in it. I live in a some what snooty hood. I work with my hands, if ya get my drift. These new sooper Euro Trash cars suck dick. Got boring and honestly I’m getting to old to do that much wrenching. I’m hiding money from the old lady to see if I can’t get me 69 Camaro Retro Mod. I’ve secured a rolling chassis. I will miss the LOPE.

  16. PS, got talked into a 383 stroker. Car was fast, no doubt. But it was all torque and low RPM. If I were to build a hot rod mouse motor again I’d do a 355 stroker.

  17. Joe6pak…take your melotonin, earl grey tea, a snifter of bourbon….perhaps toutching the MrsJoe6pak in a romantic way……get 8 hours sleep and wake up with a fucking sense of humor that you can research in a local library not far from you…..and watch a ‘My ThreeSon’s” episode…..I think your Earnie….

  18. “I’m hiding money from the old lady to see if I can’t get me 69 Camaro Retro Mod. I’ve secured a rolling chassis.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…..fuggin’ Brad hiding sh!t from his ol’lady like Darren trying to hide something from Samantha on Bewitched.


    You gonna’ end up like my brother the engineer. He built a shed within’ county specs. But then went vertical for car storage. You need a forklift to unstack the cars and parts. His wife had no idea for years.

  19. Burr, I’ve collected Hot Wheels since being a kid.
    Something about the quality and low price + being a car nut.

    The Batmobile has to be my favorite.
    Corgi had some awesome versions & Hot Wheels has produced many varieties over the years.
    I just bought a cool 2022 edition of a squatty 66 Batmobile.
    I usually get two, one to open and touch, one to keep in the package.
    The GT-40 is another fave HW version.
    I remember when they were made in CA & Hong Kong.
    Now mostly Thailand & Malaysia.

    As for that AZ Yenko for sale…yes it’s a tribute but so what?
    Got a manual, 427 and cool color.
    I would replace those ugly wheels though…

  20. Loco, it’s Arizona. ALL cars come here to retire or die. You can scroll through craigslist and find the Camaro in the color you like. Just….too expensive for me.

    But HotWheels! Love em’. It’s just this lil’ thing I did when the kids were young and we’d go to the grocery store. We still do it but my son likes Matchboxes and other, more realistic brands while my daughter likes the nutty cartoon Hotwheels.

    I only have one super dope Hotwheel. Snoopy on the doghouse.

  21. Burr, one of Hot Wheels appeal is that they get licensing rights to so many intellectual properties.

    I bought a Barbie pink RV and a Disney Steamboat Willy last year.

    So many companies are gung-ho to have a Hot Wheels version of their product.
    That and the quality. The never lowered the standards.
    Amazingly they had the measurements down when CAD was in it’s infancy.

    I have bought and sold originals before in the package for 4-5 hundred bucks.
    The color varieties and if they were made in CA or Hong Kong matters as well.
    I had a carded 67 Corvette original I sold years back.
    I still have a mint version that is a unique as hell dark burgundy version that I will never sell. This version is actually smaller than some for some reason?

  22. Old HotWheels are all metal. Have a guitar string for the axle and had hoods that opened up. I thought those were cool. No idea why they make pop up toaster cars and taco mobiles.

    Also, a while back I typed GrapeApe* in my handle. That was to remind me off my brilliant idea of of putting a grape ape sticker on the back of my crown vic, lowering it with coil overs, final paint scheme in purple black with tiny gold flake paint and a purple crushed velour interior.

    Grape Ape.

  23. Loco Blanco sounds like Sheldon Cooper, but with better spelling…..more vowels, less spelling….

    Aw right, if you all go into your GI JOE collection, I’m done, but I do suspect a few of you….

  24. ……yeah. Seriously. 400 500 is totally legit. People actually find old beat up Hot Wheels and restore them. Go figure.

    I have a basket of HotWheels I’m donating for Christmas. All in package. Just duplicates of stuff we already have. Who knows what they’ll be worth some day?

  25. joe6, if you could go back to a K-Mart in 1967, just buy the ENTIRE toy department.
    OR the entire toy department from the Sears Catalog from 1965 to 1986…

    I also collected many other toys.
    My favorites were always ones I had or wanted as a kid.
    The Lost in Space Robot in the box is a wonderful toy to collect.
    Usually around 500 bucks+
    They came in a variety of colors, which add to the unique value.

    I’ve bought and sold certain individual toys for 2 thousand dollars each.
    Prolly a few HW out there worth 5 grand…

  26. “Prolly a few HW out there worth 5 grand…”

    C’mon man, I just get whatever they have at the grocery store. The fug is a 5K HotWheel?

    That’s two pretty dang good pinball machines. The only other “toy” I’ve ever wanted.

  27. Willys, if you were a male born in the 60’s GI Joe was THE toy for Christmas.
    That and Captain Action.
    I have sold Captain Action outfits in the original package for 3+ grand.
    That was another licensing coup that will never take place again.
    Batman, Spider-man, Buck Rogers, Green Hornet.
    All different owners but that didn’t matter then.

    Super Queens dolls were rare as hell. I sold a Wonder Woman for 5 grand.
    I always wanted a Batgirl.
    Just think, we had no real kind of electronic/computer shit back then.
    You needed an imagination…

  28. Damn Burr, you mentioned pinball and I was at the Pinball Museum in Vegas this very afternoon!
    You been there?
    All machines that are working are for public use.
    Hell, so many folks are ignorant that they win games & by matching and leave the credits I play for free most times I go there.
    They have shit from the 40’s on to present day…
    It’s on the South Strip near the Welcome to Vegas sign.

  29. I check out pinball machines and parts on the net every couple of months. I wanted to do that cool pinball machine conversion into a light up coffee table.

    I’m always on the make for a cheap table i could fix up.

  30. What pinball machines you want Burr?

    I want a Silverball Mania from 1978

    Perhaps Eight Ball Deluxe, modern Batman or a Twilight Zone…

    Back in the day at the pinball place they would post you name on a machine if you got the high score.

  31. Another thing at the pinball museum is the machines open and being worked on.
    You see all the old electro-mechanical devices.
    Solenoids, drum switches, relays, etc.
    Some ingenious designs prior to integrated circuits.
    The newer machines are smart of course but damn the leap in technology is incredible.

  32. Just a 70’s or early 80’s table with two decks and those metal cage tubes that allow the ball to access the upper levels.

    Magick or one of the tables that featured cards all over it. Not the Wizard, I know there’s two of those. Late 70’s Ballys.

    Mainly I go by price and keep an eye on the less expensive ones….which go pretty dang fast.

  33. Joe6pak – So from what I know about hot wheels, for the older cars, the redline cars…redline around the tires…are the big sellers. An Olds 442 sold for 7grand and a lot of the muscle cars in that era sell for a couple to a few thousand dollars, even out of the package. Best way to get prices is go on ebay, type in hot wheels redline and then search “sold and completed” auctions. It will astound you what they run.

    Now, every year they put out different cars, but what you want to look for is the Treasure Hunts and Super treasure hunts…limited editions…get some big bucks. Last year’s Datsun 510 was a treasure hunt and one sold for 500 bucks. Also, the Shelby Cobra was a treasure hunt and was getting around a 100 bucks. Naturally, couldn’t find one to save my life, but this year they are everywhere as one of the regulars.

    For the newer cars, Japanese imports and oddball vehicles can get some decent coin if you buy several of the regulars and sell them as a lot. I bought quite a few of the Tesla Cybertrucks and Steamboat Willy’s and will hang onto them for another year or so and see if a big lot of them is still going to sell. Someone sold ten of the Cybertrucks in a lot and made 100 bucks…not bad for a purchase of ten bucks and some change.

  34. I’ll look into the coffee table machines.
    There is a cool Family Guy pinball that I played today.
    In the upper right is a Stewie mini pinball machine.
    The Twilight Zone game from the 90’s has a lot of neat items from the show.
    The modern Batman machine is a well designed tech marvel.

  35. Oh and whoever at Hasbro came up with “Lifelike Hair & Beard” for GI Joe deserved an award.

    As a kid, who didn’t want a bad-assed scar-faced Joe with a tight, realistic beard?

    Plus the way it was manufactured, so well done…

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