Measles Rampaging Across Europe – IOTW Report

Measles Rampaging Across Europe

The World Health Organization is reporting over 40,000 cases of measles across Europe in the last 6 months, setting a record for the region. European are particularly susceptible because many have avoided immunization. More


9 Comments on Measles Rampaging Across Europe

  1. Gee, it sounds like what is going on in California and other states. Wonder what could be causing the outbreak of diseases that have been completely suppressed in western countries to suddenly reappear ?

  2. OHH NO, It couldn’t possibly be diseased, invading Islamic hordes and self-destructive, Europeans refusing to be immunized creating this outbreak. Of cource not. *eyeroll*

  3. Did they ever find out actually what
    was Legionnaires disease? Where did it
    come from ? The answer is yes they did.
    You will never know the answer though…
    There are secret labs with weaponized disease,
    bacteria and germs just waiting to be released/escape.


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