Meat the Press – IOTW Report

Meat the Press

ht/ kparkmeat

15 Comments on Meat the Press

  1. Bob Katt @ No, crow sausage>
    Listen to this gaggle of talking heads and wankers from 2016:

    1. “Most UPSET reactions to Donald Trump winning the election.”

    2. Best compilation of people who laughed at Trump.

    If the link doesn’t work, just type it in. Enjoy.

  2. @the dolfer — Yes, I saw the interview. Spicer is going to be great. I loved his answers to Karl’s repeated questions about whether Trump will finally ‘admit’ the Ruskies were behind election tinkering. Spicer just wouldn’t let him box him in. And his response to Karl’s indignation over Trump’s tweeting was priceless…”(Hell) Yes! he’s going to keep tweeting and talking directly to the American people. Media is just upset that it skirts them..”

  3. @the dolfer. Great post. Sean Spicer had him sputtering but,but,but,but,but. But it shows us that Karl and his ilk are still
    determined to show President Trump in a negative way. The fact that Putin treated Obama’s actions as childish it a healthy sign in my books. He want’s to deal with the next President, an adult.

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