NBC News reporter Adele-Momoko Fraser claimed Tuesday that she did not “collaborate” with an activist organization — despite initially calling its efforts “collaboration” — on a story about Google banning the libertarian website ZeroHedge from its ad platform and threatening the conservative website The Federalist with the same fate unless it removed its comment section. More
According to CTH, those social media admissions by Fraser were an admission to attempting to suppress competition by NBC using Google and an open invitation to a Sherman Anti-Trust Act case. MORE Here
Did I miss the memo? Making proles “reasonable prosecutors”?
Because I don’t have time to read you whacking off the keyboard. If not.
Doubt a damn thing will be done about it.
I remember from history (remember learning history in high school?) that Al Capone was busted on tax evasion. Not murder, not racketeering. Tax evasion. That was back when LAW and ORDER meant something more than a stupid tv show.
I pray that it will mean something again. In my lifetime.
Immediate legal action under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? That would be nice. Probability: ~10%
FTA: “The DOJ needs congress to take action, modify the law, and update the outdated immunity for online platforms under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996.”
When the history is written it will find that this country was lost when the democrats won the house in the 2018 mid term elections. Based on a lie that Trump colluded with the Russians gave them the majority,and the fucking RINO’s did nothing.
Like the GOP and the sabotaging bureaucrats will do a goddamn thing about this. Again, I’ll believe it when I see it.
There’s as much chance that her admission of guilt regarding anti trust laws will result in anything happening, as there is that adam schiff will stand up in congress and admit that he’s been lying about everythng.
dammit, now I gotta hankering for popcorn. Hot, salty, buttered popcorn….
Paging Mr Perry Mason… Paging Mr Perry Mason… Please pick up the nearest courtesy phone for an important message… Thank you…
aleon: It was not the Russia Collusion Hoax that won the Democrats the majority in Congress in the 2018 election, it was the “boxes of uncounted ballots found in a rental car at the airport” and similar activities that won the Democrats the majority in Congress in the 2018 election.
@ TheMule JUNE 18, 2020 AT 4:32 PM
The Goddamned establishment Republicans are progressives. Take a look at what Paul Ryan did to Trump and that is what you can expect from the Republican establishment.
I’m good enough, i’m smart enough, and gosh darn it, i’m white.