Melania-Bashing Media Loves Dr. Jill’s Scrunchie – IOTW Report

Melania-Bashing Media Loves Dr. Jill’s Scrunchie

Western Journal – After somehow not noticing that they had a former model and fashion icon living at the White House for the past four years, the establishment media is slobbering all over the new first lady’s boring, matronly wardrobe.

First, it was the ill-fitting leather gloves (that looked more suited to dishwashing) and her cake-frosting colored coats that she wore to her husband’s inauguration that had the media starry-eyed.

Now it’s Jill Biden’s scrunchie, the fabric hair accessory recently resurrected from the vault of 1980s workout gear, that the media are gushing about.


29 Comments on Melania-Bashing Media Loves Dr. Jill’s Scrunchie

  1. *gasp* And you know what? She totally sent someone to Lord&Taylor to buy a whole bunch of them but they totally went to Macy’s and didn’t tell her. Oooh what a funScandal!11!!

    Journo @Politico

  2. I love when this hate filled Fake News media shows the whole world what they are really all about. The whole world can see it now. Pres. Trump and his family were tormented for 4 years relentlessly so PLEASE , do keep it up fawning over this illegitimate [gulp] 1st woman’and her corrupt husband . PLEASE!

  3. Some idget, enamored way too much with the idget culture and media, had this to say:

    “Just another badass woman rocking a scrunchie and visiting a local business.”

    Yeah, I can believe badass, but not the way this idget thinks of it. And how does one rock one of these scrunchie things? Dr. Jill should write a book about her scrunchie rocking.

  4. She’s gonna expect the Michael Obama treatment & woe to those who don’t comply.
    Dr. J is not gonna let some uppity colored guy out glam her!
    She & * are racist through and through.

  5. jokes on the msm

    that is not a scrunchie it’s my “cock Ring” in her hair.

    she couldn’t get it out, it got all tangled up in her hair last time i did her. she’s real freaky in bed since joe decided he only liked to watch and sniff.

  6. We’ll have to put up with this treacly drivel for a couple of months, and then it’s going to be all about Doug Emhoff’s power ties and Gucci loafers. Just be glad they didn’t install Buttigieg as Preezy, or we’d be seeing Chasten’s RompHims.


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