Media Continue to Play the Willing Dupe – IOTW Report

Media Continue to Play the Willing Dupe

Jonathan Turley

The true illusion was the Bidens in getting this scandal to disappear in front of millions. As I wrote years ago, the key to this Houdinesque trick was to get the media to invest in the deception like audience members called to the stage. The reporters have to back the illusion or admit that they were part of the deception. Even with millions funneled to the Biden family and acknowledgments that they were “selling the [Biden] brand,” it cannot be enough.

Even the use of a ridiculously complex array of two dozen entities to transfer money without any known purpose, it cannot be enough.

It is far easier to demand to see something no self-respecting Beltway bandit would commit: that after creating this labyrinth of shell companies and accounts, the Bidens went ahead and just did the equivalent to a Venmo payment directly to Joe and Jill Biden.  It may not be impossible but it is as improbable as Hunter Biden being an energy expert. More

7 Comments on Media Continue to Play the Willing Dupe

  1. What could possibly be enough to convict
    the entire Biden Crime Family

    How much evidence is there in full undeniable
    scope of the Amereican people

    How much more needs to be revealed of their
    money laundering and extortion for USA taxpayer money

    How much more BRIBERY money must be paid to Ukraine

    To prevent their revelation of his decades long CRIMMINALITY

  2. There will never be enough to “prove” anything like the actual truth or evidenced facts about Joey B. and his crime family aka known as the American Oligarchy.

    Even if it will soon be replaced by the better man Moochelle Obama.

    Joe and Jill will fade into obscurity and Hunter will end his days searching for the fentanyl high on the streets of North Philly.

  3. A dupe is a “victim of deception.”
    A willing dupe is a “willing victim of deception.”
    “DUPE suggests unwariness in the person deluded;”(Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, 1971)
    Dupe is more akin to “fool.”

    I must agree with Anonymous, that the media aren’t “willing dupes” but co-conspirators in Treason, Graft, Corruption, Deceit, and Mal-Administration.

    They are the propaganda arm of the treasonous bastards in and out of government. They willingly, with malice aforethought, do the bidding of the treasonous gov’t agencies and the perverts in Corporate America. And they, in turn, are supported in their treasons by the treasonous maggots of the judiciary who protect them and encourage their lies and deceits.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Even if there were video evidence of Magoo accepting huge bags of cash from a buck-toothed, cross-eyed Chinaman, sporting a 3′ long Manchu queue while wearing a Kimono robe, taking place in broad daylight at the front door of the Whitehouse, with Dr. Jill throwing wads of cash into the air in celebration, it would be determined to be manufactured footage by the press. Justice isn’t blind anymore, the press is.

  5. How many children do you know….that have bank accounts and LLC’s….that Chinese, Russian, Ukraine, and other foreign business….are depositing $ millions $ into….????

    Why is it happening in the Biden Family….????


  6. they are not dupes.
    they are willing participants who do it for their paycheck.
    if not lying journalists, in what other occupation could they make that kind of scratch with their talents?


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