Media Coverage Of Biden Resembles A Dog’s Breakfast – IOTW Report

Media Coverage Of Biden Resembles A Dog’s Breakfast

Def-Con News

President Trump had no scandals or skeletons in the closet coming into office, so the liberal media made up a bunch of stuff, establishing themselves as fake news. Joe Biden has a ton of scandals and a graveyard in his closet but the liberal media doesn’t want to report on that stuff so this is what they’re doing to maintain their fake news status:

And now some breaking news on #SundayMorning… President-elect @JoeBiden and his wife @DrBiden won’t just be bringing their German shepherds, Major and Champ to the White House. The Bidens tell us exclusively that soon they’ll be joined by a cat. #sundaypets

CBS News Sunday Morning

Really? It’s “breaking news” that the Bidens have 2 dogs and will soon be getting a cat? That’s not news, and it’s not breaking because they haven’t even got the cat yet. More

18 Comments on Media Coverage Of Biden Resembles A Dog’s Breakfast

  1. Taking a page from Neil Cavuto, I cannot, in good conscience, allow myself to watch the CBS News Sunday Morning program – if for no other reason than the program is actually devoid of any actual news. I would thank Neil for this sage advice, except that I cannot, in good conscience, allow myself to watch Neil Cavuto either.

  2. The only breaking news is his foot. Guess we won’t be seeing Boot Biden jog up to the podium any time soon. Or ever again. Next thing you know, Boot is going to break his his other foot, and the media will be cheering on their Delaware Delano.

    Go watch your “Trump On A Ramp” video, trolls. Maybe that will make you feel better about the decaying, decrepit husk you stole the election for.

  3. I’m old enough to remember how Nancy Reagan was mocked mercilessly in the media for consulting an astrologer on Ronnie’s behalf. I guess these punks in the media weren’t even born then.


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