Media Declares Iconic Image of President Trump “Photoganda” – IOTW Report

Media Declares Iconic Image of President Trump “Photoganda”


So, just to be clear, according to the legacy media, sharing a real image from a poignant moment in US history is now “photoganda”? The photo isn’t edited or fake. It’s the reality that scares our media more than anything else, and that should frighten every single American citizen. Now, just imagine if this were Joe Biden. Do you think our lousy media would be worried about images being “used the wrong way?” Probably not.  more

11 Comments on Media Declares Iconic Image of President Trump “Photoganda”

  1. Are you old enough to remember the photo of a shirtless John Kennedy, sitting on a PT boat? Progs were fine with slobbering all over that guy. But let a serious photo of Trump exist? Must be suppressed. You cannot imagine the loathing I have for liberals.

  2. I have it on good authority that the photo has all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    Do not look at it. Report anyone suspiciously looking at it, or talking about it in a positive way. They could be a domestic terrorist, or Mega-MAGA supporter, or even a Christian.

    Don’t be fooled by appearances, even Black and Hispanic people may become captured by this insidious plot to bring leadership to the US government.

    We’ve been doing just fine without leadership for three years under Joe Biden, So why change now?

  3. I just turned on the boobtube a little while ago, it powers up on the local Spectrum news channel. Sure enough, there’s some ditzy woman going on about how Trump won’t accept a defeat in the election. The local newspaper e-edition is still carrying an opinion piece about Trump being a ‘threat to democracy’. The SOBs never stop.

  4. The MSM can’t stop the picture or make it go away. The image is embedded in people’s minds the world over. Them calling it photoganda won’t make it go away.

    The picture is as historic and important as the one of the Marines raising our flag on the summit of Iwo Jima.

    America at its patriotic best is a concept the leftist media hates.

  5. That picture is permanent glorious history to their dismay.
    And I had that thought Tim.
    So an unscripted photograph is somehow propaganda.
    That’s got to burn, you might want to put some ice on that.

  6. @Elam

    The whole story of Kennedy’s heroics on PT109 is laughable now that we know that JFK had Addison’s Disease which was treated with corticosteroids

    Well gee Wally, don’t cor’co steroids have side effects like total dissolution of one’s spinal column. And wouldn’t that make you need painkillers? And don’t they make you sleepy and make you do stuff like let your PT Boat drift into a Japanese shipping channel and get your 3 ton plywood boat get cut in half by a 6000 ton Jap destroyer?

    And gee Wally don’t they sometimes call that “hazarding your vessel” and court martial you for it? So how come they’re making JFK a hero for it?

    Gosh, Beeve. I think you need to slow down. You’re making way too many logical connections for a kid your age. What are you gonna say next .. that it would be impossible for Kennedy to play football because of his partially dissolved spine and so THAT story is total horseshit as well? I think you need to shut up before I have to slug you one

  7. It’s the Michelle Obama syndrome. Forget the fact that she looks like an NFL linebacker in drag. We are telling you she is the most beautiful, fashionable woman who ever lived.


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