Media Desperately Runs Defense For Kamala After She Said We Must Reduce Population – IOTW Report

Media Desperately Runs Defense For Kamala After She Said We Must Reduce Population

This happened last year, and the “fact-checker” tries to bail out Harris.

Their explanation is HERE.

Now, Fact-Checker, explain why the audience APPLAUDS.

18 Comments on Media Desperately Runs Defense For Kamala After She Said We Must Reduce Population

  1. Most of the leftists are on this business of population reduction.

    It is a totally evil business. They support everything that can reduce the number of people. High food prices, destruction of food sources (chicken farms, etc), abortion on demand, the weird queer and and gender confusion stuff, ripping reproductive organs out of kids. There are probably other equally horrible things they are dreaming up.

    The end of social security could be another, maybe about 10 years from now. Retirees will have a difficult time without it. The democrats forced it on us in 1940. I guess it’s as matter of what they gave us (?), they can just as easily take away. The Fed Gov’t has stolen funds from it for years with no shame whatsoever.

    Everything liberals touch turns to excrement.

  2. The fact checker is full of it. Neither solar panels or windmills can be recycled. The panels and blades of the windmills fill up landfills, therefore there is no reduction in pollution.

  3. It is always interesting that the “elites” have such grandiose ideas like population reduction and sacrificing things such as gas stoves for “climate control”. However, you never see even one of them sacrificing anything themselves for their hairbrained causes. It’s always forced upon the peons. Let them eat cake?

  4. The natural thing to think is that the people in charge are smart, however, they have a long line of people that aren’t capable of keeping the story line.
    And the few that are smart, or just plain evil.
    Never let a crisis go to waste and for the children is their biggest hammer.

  5. We know. There’s nothing civil to be done at this point. The only non violent resistance would involve ceasing all work and buying or selling on government approved venues. Pay no tax. They will make it very uncomfortable for those who pursue this desperate avenue of resistance but what else, really, is there, short of violence? We all know violence is the one thing government does competently.


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