Media Face 12,000 Job Cuts – IOTW Report

Media Face 12,000 Job Cuts

Geller Report: The mainstream (fake) media is finally paying a price for lying to the American people. #Justice!

14 Comments on Media Face 12,000 Job Cuts

  1. Great new for local community colleges. Revenue will be booming when they add all the extra computer coding classes to their Fall catalogs.

    Arrgh……. MJA posted while I was typing this…(so I guess I am not that unique in my thoughts)

  2. Justice! so true!
    Unfortunately it will have no impact on the nepotistically employed trash who’s aunt and uncle top shareholders don’t’ want living in their basements again.
    Don’t take me wrong, I look forward to the cancellation list asap. While at it a few no-nothing networks go bye-bye as well, sweet!


    Who will inform us of what’s going on in our country and world without advertisers paying for sensationalized exaggerations to bring in viewers to show their product to?

    1st Amendment is dead!

  4. Journalism “school” taught them that their
    purpose was to “change THE world” so that
    it was more to their liking.
    Propaganda replaced who, what, when, where, why
    and the public has finally caught on and clicked off.
    Well, the journo’s changed “THEIR” world allright.
    Funny how the inclusion of two letters
    “IR” into “THE” nailed them to the(ir) wall.


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