46 Comments on Media Fraudsters Newest Claim – Elizabeth Warren is Having Sexual Relations With a 24 year-old bodybuilder
What, no more donkeys?
Shrieking schoolmarms really turn me on.
Said nobody ever. And yes, it is puke inducing.
Blind and deaf?
Was he wounded during his service?
Poor chap … VA should provide better care.
izlamo delenda est …
I haven’t been that nauseated since Vera Baker was rumored to be Barky’s side piece.
This is anti-satire by satirizing satarists who love/hate satire about sick satirists who can’t stop satarizing, or something, right?
I’m nauseated thinking about it. And her.
You know Bernie ain’t coming back when they skip over the lurid details of his sexual exploits and go straight to Warren.
Damn BFH! Shit like this should never be publish around the lunch hour. Yes, the nausea is real.
Ewww lolol. I’m laughing because we’re all making fun of this, but thinking what if it’s REAL?!
“I’m gonna get me a beer” and try to forget this.
I heard this too, from an anonymous whistleblower.
Prove me wrong.
This is irresponsible reporting. The true story was Warren and H. Clinton in an orgy with Sanders and Soros. This information came straight from Christopher Steele and Fusion.
Have a nice rest of your day thinking about that.
Honestly though. I wish this chick would stop wearing stretch pants and the same tired ass shirt in a different color every time she’s outside her house. She looks like a school crosswalk monitor.
Wyatt needs to be in-peached.
Make Head Twerking Great Again.
I have to admit; I have known one or two guys that would never turn down a sexual opportunity.
I always figured they must have been liberals that loved to screw everyone they can.
Warren took up then ran off with a young law professor she met in NYC while her then-husband was supporting her and putting her through law school when she had two small children. I think it’s the old guy who didn’t want a beer… the one who helped her come up with the fake Indian heritage story and get her job at UTexas… so…
C’mon man, I’d sniff it. You’ve seen the way her head twerks.
Those pathetic, tired, OLD, unimaginative Democrats. They’ve got a slander generator that was probably written in Fortran back in the mid-70’s. No one’s been maintaining it and this is what happens.
Hey Hey! Ho Ho! We shall overcome. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Maybe the guy is a Cherokee, and she’s just trying to get some more Injun DNA in her.
AbigailAdams I was just talking about that the other week.
Why is everything hey hey ho ho? No matter what! I notice unions do that a lot, too.
Did I read that this “long term relationship” began “months ago?” Long term relationships are now measured in months?
I hope the hell there is no video.
Male or Female?
With her heratige, you know what firewater can make her do.
The only “former Marine” is one that got kicked out in disgrace.
Poor bastard must have a horrible case of necrophilia.🤢
She may have the will but not the means.
She might be on her knees giving him a kamala, but no way he he needed to otherwise tap that ugly ass.
Anything with Jacob Wohl in it is instantly discredited.
Her new nickname will be fellatiohauntas
…”giving him a Kamala”…hahaha
@MJA — LOL!! I know, right? It’s so stupid. I think they keep the ol’ “hey, hey! ho, ho!” because they’re too freakin’ dumb to know anything else.
“We shall overcome —- the long, slow lines at Chik-fil-a”. Snore.
Hey! I just went through my favorite coffee drive thru this afternoon (still can’t give up those 32 ounce breves) and my gal had a whoppin’ great bandage on her index finger. She said she sliced it open and because she couldn’t afford insurance, she has to wait to see her nurse practitioner mom tomorrow to get it fixed up. In the meantime it’s throbbing like a SOB. I said, “Well, let’s get the Republicans back in the House…” She didn’t even let me get through that sentence when she hollered back to me from the depths of the kiosk: “Yes! We gotta get rid of all that obamacare baloney!” So cheer up! An ordinary Thursday in the heart of Communist Seattle and a 20-something coffee barista who gets it! And that was after just having left a hardwood supplier and had a five minute convo with one their guys who just bent my ear on the sorry-assed state of city.
Listen my friends, people are absolutely fed up! Trump’s win in 2020 is going to be breathtaking.
I wonder if she calls him “Paw Paw”.
I would have thought a Lizzie warren side piece would be something more along the lines of a huma abadin.
This thread gives a whole new meaning to F’ , marry, kill.
The result is always the same person.
Hey mang, Joo wanna see a donkey show?
As any real Indian brave would say about Elizabeth Warren, “Ugh!”
Smoke signals say many moons young warrior called Dances-With-Skanks been poking Pocahontas. Ugh.
I wonder if she’s paying his rent?
You want to know REAL Hell?
Tapping Elizabeth Warren and then getting a BJ from Rashida Tlabia as a chaser. The hag and the frog.
All the AGELESS MALE in the world couldn’t get me up for that.
Both experiences would qualify for “anal”.
He said he was “solicited from a prominent website utilized by sex-workers.”
So she paid him for his “services”. That explains a lot. I hope she paid him enough to offset the cost of all that Viagra and anti-nausea medication.
My occasional good sense tells me not to weigh in on this.
Nothing good can come of it and if I start to envision her naked i start to convulse.
I’d rather beat my crank w/ a No-Bounce hammer
I have my standard … they’re quite low, but I have my standards
#believe all accusation!!
there’s no proof she didn’t do it…….
i’m gonna get me a beer……..
@ PHenry
I could have benefited from your post two hours earlier.
What, no more donkeys?
Shrieking schoolmarms really turn me on.
Said nobody ever. And yes, it is puke inducing.
Blind and deaf?
Was he wounded during his service?
Poor chap … VA should provide better care.
izlamo delenda est …
I haven’t been that nauseated since Vera Baker was rumored to be Barky’s side piece.
This is anti-satire by satirizing satarists who love/hate satire about sick satirists who can’t stop satarizing, or something, right?
I’m nauseated thinking about it. And her.
You know Bernie ain’t coming back when they skip over the lurid details of his sexual exploits and go straight to Warren.
Damn BFH! Shit like this should never be publish around the lunch hour. Yes, the nausea is real.
Ewww lolol. I’m laughing because we’re all making fun of this, but thinking what if it’s REAL?!
“I’m gonna get me a beer” and try to forget this.
I heard this too, from an anonymous whistleblower.
Prove me wrong.
This is irresponsible reporting. The true story was Warren and H. Clinton in an orgy with Sanders and Soros. This information came straight from Christopher Steele and Fusion.
Have a nice rest of your day thinking about that.
Honestly though. I wish this chick would stop wearing stretch pants and the same tired ass shirt in a different color every time she’s outside her house. She looks like a school crosswalk monitor.
Wyatt needs to be in-peached.
Make Head Twerking Great Again.
I have to admit; I have known one or two guys that would never turn down a sexual opportunity.
I always figured they must have been liberals that loved to screw everyone they can.
Warren took up then ran off with a young law professor she met in NYC while her then-husband was supporting her and putting her through law school when she had two small children. I think it’s the old guy who didn’t want a beer… the one who helped her come up with the fake Indian heritage story and get her job at UTexas… so…
C’mon man, I’d sniff it. You’ve seen the way her head twerks.
Those pathetic, tired, OLD, unimaginative Democrats. They’ve got a slander generator that was probably written in Fortran back in the mid-70’s. No one’s been maintaining it and this is what happens.
Hey Hey! Ho Ho! We shall overcome. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Maybe the guy is a Cherokee, and she’s just trying to get some more Injun DNA in her.
AbigailAdams I was just talking about that the other week.
Why is everything hey hey ho ho? No matter what! I notice unions do that a lot, too.
Did I read that this “long term relationship” began “months ago?” Long term relationships are now measured in months?
I hope the hell there is no video.
Male or Female?
With her heratige, you know what firewater can make her do.
The only “former Marine” is one that got kicked out in disgrace.
Poor bastard must have a horrible case of necrophilia.🤢
She may have the will but not the means.
She might be on her knees giving him a kamala, but no way he he needed to otherwise tap that ugly ass.
Anything with Jacob Wohl in it is instantly discredited.
Her new nickname will be fellatiohauntas
…”giving him a Kamala”…hahaha
@MJA — LOL!! I know, right? It’s so stupid. I think they keep the ol’ “hey, hey! ho, ho!” because they’re too freakin’ dumb to know anything else.
“We shall overcome —- the long, slow lines at Chik-fil-a”. Snore.
Hey! I just went through my favorite coffee drive thru this afternoon (still can’t give up those 32 ounce breves) and my gal had a whoppin’ great bandage on her index finger. She said she sliced it open and because she couldn’t afford insurance, she has to wait to see her nurse practitioner mom tomorrow to get it fixed up. In the meantime it’s throbbing like a SOB. I said, “Well, let’s get the Republicans back in the House…” She didn’t even let me get through that sentence when she hollered back to me from the depths of the kiosk: “Yes! We gotta get rid of all that obamacare baloney!” So cheer up! An ordinary Thursday in the heart of Communist Seattle and a 20-something coffee barista who gets it! And that was after just having left a hardwood supplier and had a five minute convo with one their guys who just bent my ear on the sorry-assed state of city.
Listen my friends, people are absolutely fed up! Trump’s win in 2020 is going to be breathtaking.
I wonder if she calls him “Paw Paw”.
I would have thought a Lizzie warren side piece would be something more along the lines of a huma abadin.
This thread gives a whole new meaning to F’ , marry, kill.
The result is always the same person.
Hey mang, Joo wanna see a donkey show?
As any real Indian brave would say about Elizabeth Warren, “Ugh!”
Smoke signals say many moons young warrior called Dances-With-Skanks been poking Pocahontas. Ugh.
I wonder if she’s paying his rent?
You want to know REAL Hell?
Tapping Elizabeth Warren and then getting a BJ from Rashida Tlabia as a chaser. The hag and the frog.
All the AGELESS MALE in the world couldn’t get me up for that.
Both experiences would qualify for “anal”.
He said he was “solicited from a prominent website utilized by sex-workers.”
So she paid him for his “services”. That explains a lot. I hope she paid him enough to offset the cost of all that Viagra and anti-nausea medication.
My occasional good sense tells me not to weigh in on this.
Nothing good can come of it and if I start to envision her naked i start to convulse.
I’d rather beat my crank w/ a No-Bounce hammer
I have my standard … they’re quite low, but I have my standards
#believe all accusation!!
there’s no proof she didn’t do it…….
i’m gonna get me a beer……..
@ PHenry
I could have benefited from your post two hours earlier.
@ thirdtwin…..
Maybe Liawatha is trying to get more Indian…..
in her…..?