Media – Including Some “Conservative” Media – Say Trump Encouraged Police Brutality – IOTW Report

Media – Including Some “Conservative” Media – Say Trump Encouraged Police Brutality

Trump, who uses humor to make cogent points, said in a speech to a group of police who are waging a campaign against Ms-13:

“Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put the hand over. Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head. I said, ‘You can take the hand away, OK.’”

The usual suspects freaked out, including Ben Shapiro, who seemingly defended Trump…. seemingly.

“This is all exaggeration. Is it appropriate for Trump to encourage police not to be “too nice” to suspects? Not really. But it’s not police brutality to refrain from putting your hand on the head of a suspect to prevent them from bumping it on a car door. It’s police brutality if you slam their head into the car door.”

“Is it appropriate for Trump to encourage police not to be “too nice” to suspects?”

Not really.

He just can’t help being an idiot. He gets it right AND WRONG, contradicting himself in the same paragraph, because he has Trump derangement syndrome.

How is it not appropriate for Trump to say you don’t have to go out of your way with voluntary and unnecessary pleasantries for people being arrested?

An even playing field in the dynamic between the police and the arrested is for them to allow the suspect to bend over on their own. This symbolic pandering with kid gloves has created the atmosphere that if the police don’t give 5 star hotel treatment it is brutality. At this point, if a suspect getting into the car bumps his head the policeman will be up on charges.

I like that Trump is giving the okay for the police to do away with this symbolism. If it leads to some police going overboard in the opposite direction, shoving a suspect into the door jamb, then that’s on the idiot cop and they should be reprimanded.

20 Comments on Media – Including Some “Conservative” Media – Say Trump Encouraged Police Brutality

  1. Puh-leeeease. Anyone who thinks Trump was encouraging police brutality needs to ask Santa for a sense of humor for Christmas. (However, you are all getting a lump of coal and a switch.)

  2. I think Trump should affirm so much and then double down on it.

    Brutalize the shit out of them and laugh about it. MS-13 is scum.

    Why are we as a nation always so damn afraid to do EXACTLY WHAT IS NECESSARY?

  3. They still don’t get that’s why he was elected. No more pc baloney. We’re sick of it. Trump makes me proud everyday when he puts these sissies in their place.

  4. I don’t think the police are the jury and executioner, and that’s what we always strive for in policing the police.
    I wouldn’t want to give police the power to brutalize any suspect, ever, because next it could be you.
    BUT, it’s getting to the point that if the police give someone the stink eye and tells them to go f*ck themselves they are reprimanded.
    Just like that video I played the other day with the guy in Chicago trying to bait them and the cop told the guy to f*ck off and he acted as if he captured the cops ruination on video.
    THIS HAS TO END and Trump understands that.

  5. It is absolutely incredible that they can get so wrapped up on a statement like this. Don’t we have something else to worry about? Like inbound nukes from NOKO, China in the South China Sea like it’s theirs, Middle East, Putin going after Antarctica?

    I wouldn’t have given a crap if he had said that these gang lowlifes be lined up against the wall and shot.

    Holy fucking cow.

  6. BLM has most departments or agencies on their heels. To the point where it’s putting officers lives at risk. Not a lot of aggressive cops out their right now.

  7. “This symbolic pandering with kid gloves has created the atmosphere that if the police don’t give 5 star hotel treatment it is brutality.”

    Hallelujah, brother Fur! Preach it!

  8. I knew when I heard the President tell the Long Island cops “you don’t have to be so nice” (to these scum) that the lefties would jump on it like flies on shit. I groaned, oh no. But I knew he was just being Donald. He says things like that. But the police will follow the R & Ps when dealing with prisoners, what with all these body cams and so forth.
    However that video of the scumbag from Chicago was a little too much for me. Using loud, abusive, boisterous, threatening, and profane language in public is a crime. He should have been arrested. Just telling him to “fuck off” will only encourage more of the same, and worse. Also, if he happened to accidentally crack his coconut head against the frame of the patrol car, so be it.
    No LEO should have to put up with that type of abuse. And the faster we realize that, the better. MAGA

  9. Eradicating MS-13 and the other cartels will require full scale urban warfare.

    They won’t leave quietly. After enough McMansion drug fortresses get shot up, and enough cops are killed, we may see shoot-on-sight ROE in many locations.
    So be it.
    Trump is saying he gets this.
    The Commander in Chief is saying “Proceed. The DoJ is no longer working for BLM/Antifa”.

    As for closet Lefty Ben Shapiro, it’s time for him to come out of the closet and go to work for Huffpo/MSNBC where he clearly belongs.

  10. Trump shouldn’t encourage police brutality like this.
    He should just say “Shoot them all and let God sort them out”.
    More to the point, and far more effective.
    MS-13, that is. Keeping in context here.

  11. PDJT is correct, even if he was joking. (At least he has a sense of humor, unlike most of DC and those a$$es who call themselves ‘the MEDIA’).

    It all boils down to the old adage:

    “Give ’em an inch and they’ll take a foot!” Or a yard! Or even a MILE!!!

  12. Police brutality would be holding a prisoner while the door is slammed on his head.
    Some idiots get their panties in a twist because prisoners don’t have valets in jail.

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