Media – Infuriatingly Hypocritical – IOTW Report

Media – Infuriatingly Hypocritical

13 Comments on Media – Infuriatingly Hypocritical

  1. My takeaway from our intelligent and non-hypocritical news media is that in order to avoid contracting COVID-19, you need to maintain a 6 foot distance from other human beings, wear a mask, and to make sure you are throwing bricks and looting stores. I had to go to the grocery store yesterday, so I wore a mask, threw a masonry block through the front window, and grabbed what I needed and ran.

    I feel safe, and as an added bonus my grocery bill was negligible.

  2. Oh, such peacefully broken windows, lovingly burned buildings and destroyed businesses – all undertaken at such risk by such a heartwarming community with unity in these unreasonable times!

    Blow their heads CLEAN OFF.

  3. And now they are back on the masks! Orange man bad rally must revert to social distancing. We had one person test Covid positive 6/1 working at the grocery store and they want us in lock down in lines again. These people are insane! Funny FB rant:

    To all those deniers about the virus, and those that proudly discouraged wearing masks and laughed about it, and encouraged early openings with cries of “patriotism” (you know who you are, right? Cuz we sure as hell do)…good work. Now these places are shutting down again. How many more? And for how long?
    This is on YOU. With increasing numbers of infections and climbing percent positives and soaring hospitalizations…
    Please, just sit down, and shut up. You have been wrong too many times.

  4. Now we’re seeing spikes.

    I sure hope all those protesters get on ventilators and there’s a major flaw built in in all of ’em and then life support baby! 🖕🥳🖕

  5. have i related just how sick of all of this shiite i am? went to the abc store this afternoon and there were only three of us not wearing the fukcing masks…. the day you can convince me to wear one is the day that you will convince me of anyfukcingthing. I am anxiously awaiting the giant meteor. almost anything would be better than this foolish shiite!
    Oh! had to replenish the bourbon and sapphire….

  6. “Media – Infuriatingly Hypocritical”

    I would prefer to say;

    Media—Unacceptably Hypocritical

    Also—–I DO NOT believe their over-inflated numbers.

  7. Can we please stop referring to them (the alphabet networks) as “news media”. Those two words should be stricken from all future references. They are propaganda outlets, and nothing more.

  8. Why does anyone expect the media to not be ‘hypocritical’?

    We are in a civil war and they are on the side of fascism. They SUPPOSED to lie, cheat, steal and kill to achieve power by any means.


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