Media Keeps Calling These Deranged Males “SHE” – IOTW Report

Media Keeps Calling These Deranged Males “SHE”

Had Garcia, who was born male, been running in the equivalent boy’s race, HE wouldn’t have even managed 16th place – with the slowest boy finishing at 53.12 – more than 2.5 seconds clear of Garcia’s time.  

Last year, Garcia could only manage 164th out of 172 in the boy’s 5000m at a regional championship held in the fall.

19 Comments on Media Keeps Calling These Deranged Males “SHE”

  1. Now you can call me She, or you can call me Johnnie, or you can call me Sonnie, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Vicky J, or you can call me VJ, or you can call me VJJ. . . but you doesn’t hasta call me Johnson!!
    How ’bout “Freak from the Island of Misfit Toyz”?

    Garcia could only manage 164th out of 172 in the boy’s 5000m.
    Not much different than Jackass Joe running 76 out of 85 at the Syracuse University College of Law races…

  2. ‘Billboard Chris’ is on trial in Australia for ‘misgendering’ someone by stating his actual sex. And in court, the judge won’t allow him to state the person’s actual sex, but only the one he insists he is. Ugh.

  3. If HE had identified as Black, he would have been accused of cultural appropriation, because it is obvious to anyone with functioning eyes and brain that he isn’t Black.

    But they get away with this whole gender identification nonsense because we still live in a society that considers it bad manners to demand those who make such ridiculous assertions drop their pants and show their work. At least for the moment.

  4. “A male athlete just WON the Girls 400m race in the 2A division at the WIAA State Championship Meet in Tacoma, Washington.”

    Pure, unadulterated Satanism. It’s sad that the girls participated in this pervert’s fantasy.

    If all the girls (and women) refused to be the backdrop for these perverts’ delusions, the delusions would stop. Let the fukkin faggot run by itself.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If a blue-state Washington crowd booed this freak on the podium, then you know the vast majority of the country is opposed to this crap. So what is it going to take to stop it?

  6. @ Tony R SUNDAY, 26 MAY 2024, 9:19 AT 9:19 AM

    What’s it going to take to stop it? Great question.

    In 2004 the Republican establishment colluded with Democrats against the “Republican base” to openly steal the gubernatorial election. The WSRP was and remains under the total control of the east side Republicans, or what I refer to as the Bellevue Boys Club. They absolutely despise the Republican base and are joined at the hip with the King/Pierce/Snohomish Democrat machine on all of the “social issues.”

    What the dirty motherfuckers got out of that move is that after being rat fucked again and again from every angle a lot of good and decent folks dropped out of the political process altogether and no longer bothered. The filthy reprobates knew what they were doing and thought that they wouldn’t have to deal with having to deal with honest, hard working Christian people who wanted nothing more than to be left alone and not be taxed through the floor.

    What they accused is that their golden boys can no longer even hold what were previously “safe” seats.

    So, what’s it going to take?

  7. The fastest “girls” in Washington (Donovan Brown) and Oregon (Aayden Gallagher) are male. Gee, it almost seems like males might have a biological advantage over females in sporting events. 🤔 Why hasn’t someone thought to separate males and females into different categories for the purposes of athletic competition. Oh, wait…

  8. Progressivism = Marxism = Satanism

    The progressive movement is invested in the proposition that ‘Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities’.

  9. To liberals/socialists, what goes on in someone’s head is the facts, ma’am, no matter what that person is thinking. The crazier the notion, the more liberals seem to like it.

    We have truckloads of people who think they are the opposite sex, or several sexes at once, or believe they are animals such as dolphins, wolves, bears, etc. The nut-balls are everywhere. 19th century crazies who believed they were Napoleon or Marie-Antoinette are nothing compared to the current crop of crazies.

    When the country is run by people who can’t tell fact from fiction, we are in big trouble. And we are there now, in cuckoo-ville bird land. Most of the world is in cuckoo-ville bird land.

  10. These women competing against these male free-range lunatics are afraid of the consequences of not competing.

    Even if women and girls stopped competing with these freaks, the left will make an example out of a few – harassment, lawsuits, made up criminal charges etc., to make the rest fearful.

    It’s going to take lots of very brave female athletes to stand against this travesty. Maybe then this craziness is stopped.

  11. ^^^^
    I think we’re on the same page here. Dear women athletes, if you want to fix this shit, stop competing for six months. Let the freaks compete against themselves. It’s not that tough to figure out.

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