Media Melts Down After Joe Rogan Says He Recovered From Covid in 3 Days After Taking Ivermectin, Z-Pak (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Media Melts Down After Joe Rogan Says He Recovered From Covid in 3 Days After Taking Ivermectin, Z-Pak (VIDEO)

GP: Highly popular podcast host Joe Rogan on Wednesday announced he had to move his comedy tour schedule around because he came down with Covid on Saturday night.

Rogan, 54, said he was “feeling weary” on Saturday evening and developed a fever and headache over night.

“So we threw the kitchen sink at it, all kinds of meds,” Rogan said in a video post to his Instagram page.

Rogan said he recovered in 3 days after taking monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, Z-pak, prednisone, IV vitamin drip. watch

29 Comments on Media Melts Down After Joe Rogan Says He Recovered From Covid in 3 Days After Taking Ivermectin, Z-Pak (VIDEO)

  1. Critics panning Ivermectin retort ‘it’s dewormer for horses!’ Well, Viagra was developed as a heart drug, but they discovered that the ‘side effect’ was more valuable. If a doctor, who knows a lot about available treatment options, prescribes Ivermectin, or HCQ, or antibiotics, then I will take it.

  2. This is an article from the NIH Pubmed database stating that ivermectin has proven to be effective in all phases of COVID.

    From the link below: “Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.”

  3. Dr. Malone (mRNA guy) had his doctor prescribe Ivermectin after he got jabbed and later caught the ‘rona. His symptoms ended in a few days.
    I posted the interview here (with John Solomon) a few weeks ago.

  4. Michelle Malkin recently wrote an article about how badly the FDA and medical establishment are lying by implying that ivermectin is only to be used in farm animals. The site won’t let me post a link to it for some reason, but it’s easy to find. Just search for “Michelle Malkin ivermectin”.

  5. Do you know that Ivermectin has also been shown to shrink cancer tumors as well as fenbendazole yet they’ve never done any human clinical trials. They don’t do it because there is no money in it. You can search and find all kinds of stuff on it.

    If they found a cure for cancer, or heck they may already have one, they would lose out on the money.

  6. Yeah okay, and when I show up at my doctor’s with the coof and am all like, “hey doc, hook me up with monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, Z-pak, prednisone, IV vitamin drip.” He is going to tell me to pound sand. No way am I important enough for all that.

  7. I looked in my sent folder and on February 4, 2021 I forwarded info on Ivermectin, which rural people I know were starting to talk about being effective against Covid. Ivermectin is about as broad spectrum a cure all in agricultural areas that if you’re not feeling good, for whatever reason your going to get dosed with it. It’s been that way for a long time and if it has ever made anyone worse, it is a well kept secret. It is probably cutting into the media’s add revenues from pharmaceutical companies or making progs look bad.

  8. Not unsafe by a long shot. I’m allergic to permethrin cream so whenever one of my facility residents decides to share their scabies with me, ivermectin is my go-to. I’ve used it to treat my patients who have advanced scabies from severe neglect, and permethrin cream isn’t enough to do the job.

    I haven’t killed anyone yet. This is ridiculous.

  9. I used Scotch, Bourbon & Beer, Followed by Barbells! Heavy.

    Laphroaig 10 year, Woodford, Bud, & Cast Iron Free Weights.

    Took 3 days in Feb 2019. Felt like fuck all, Just 3 days of `not like myself`.

    This was Officially BEFORE it existed in Canada, which is not what my Doctor or Other MedéHealth Care friends have un-officially said. A woman from the Government called me and said she had it in November of 2019 but it had hit her hard and was still dealing with effects. I ended up calming her down instead of the other way around. She also said that it hit rural west Ontario & Manitoba WELL BEFORE an official declaration.

    Since it was marketed as the Black Death I figured it was the usual cold that every HVAC guy gets 2 times per year from changing a few thousand filthy air filters per season.

    My Doc figured that that was the reason why when I got the Phizer shots, I experienced Fuck All Symptoms. (I had to get it for work & asset Liability)

    Go ahead folks, rip me a new one, I have had both shots, & my wife has gotten used to my Third Testicle!

  10. This comes from a woman who once was a friend. To be honest I’m not sure what happened to her, because she didn’t used to be so stupid. She was a neighbor and she moved away. She became friends with a druggie, so my assumption is she’s on drugs now. I haven’t called her out because our family is still friends with her husband and his family. I honestly feel sorry for him and we all wish he would get away from her. Oh and she did not get into veterinary science, she was a receptionist for a vet. Before that she was a dispatcher for a trucking company, so I guess that makes her a big diesel mechanic, then she was a receptionist for an HVAC company, so I guess that makes her an HVAC tech.
    This though is the kind of shit the media is spewing and it’s all bullshit. I am sure her dumbass heard this on the media. Lefties are always crazy, every since she moved away she’s claimed she’s depressed and was on 3 depression drugs before I quit talking to her.

    Ivermectin is an antiparasitic, a neurotoxin. Dosages and administration types are different. Please, Please don’t consider this. Please watch this video. Merck is the manufacturer. They are big pharma and they say Please don’t take this. They wouldn’t pass the money up if it would work.

    Someone called her out:
    At least it is an approved drug and yes, ivermectin has anti-viral properties.…/10.1101/2021.05.31.21258081v1

    the actual manufacturer is saying DONT TAKE IT. I don’t understand the want to take something, a neurotoxin. That’s what it is.. Pfizer is approved now. If that is the problem. If that is what’s holding people back. I am telling you this is not responsible to tell people..

    He tries again:
    I took this stuff for six months in a clinical study, the side effects were minimal at best.

    What I am saying is people ARE self medicating and making themselves very sick. Working in the veterinary field we had to deal with stuff like this all the time. People hear one part of one part. There are much better alternatives in this situation than an antiparasitic. It’s also not approved for that use so that point isn’t valid.. The manufactures says DONT NOT USE IT FOR THAT USE.. You took it as directed. Did you take the time to actually watch the video or did you just want to automatically oppose it ?? Like Rachel said. There are other ways, other ways that were already approved under emergency authority. These vaccines have been around for 100 yrs but now everyone wants to start politicizing the problem for either side and I am personally sick of it.

    He tries again:
    these vaccines have not been around for 100 years. MRNA technology is relatively new and has never been approved for ANY use before now. For me, it’s not a political decision it’s a safety decision. Absolutely no one can tell you what the long term side effects of these vaccines are and that scares the hell out of me!

    Mrna isn’t new. Also, at any time anyone could have an adverse reaction to ANY medication. That is scary. The thought of getting covid should be scarier. If someone doesn’t feel comfortable getting vaccinated they should talk w their doctors about THAT. I have always loved science, that’s why I ended up in animal medicine. We still don’t even know the long term effects of the virus, and now it is mutating, as viruses do. How does that not scare the hell out of you as well ? It was politicized, people don’t trust the experts. They have listened to all the bickering back and forth. Taking away the publics trust.

  11. Hydrochloriquine, ivermectin, Z-Pac, Coumadin, zinc, vitamins D and C, melatonin, and pepcid are all on the list for 100% of the patients that are in the care of my daughter a covid nurse. No outcomes are guaranteed.. still 90% of her patients are unvaccinated..

    And the FDA has yet to approve any of the above treatments either.. for those concerned about such things..

    She told me the other day that she isn’t isn’t convinced that these actually work.. she says that it’s Just what they give while you might recover on your own

  12. Ivermectin has been a major treatment and prophylactic in India since this spring when the “delta variant” took off. Their case and death rates plummeted, where other countries suffering from “delta” have increasing death rates.
    I have been taking prescribed ivermectin, vitamin D, zinc and azithromycin as a preventive on-and-off any time I am exposed to someone that is sick. I have had no ill effects.

  13. I got a head cold Friday. By Saturday afternoon It was really bad. I took Ivermectin Saturday afternoon and Sunday I was better .Monday morning I had no symptoms. Normally a head cold for me lasts weeks.

    I KNOW it works now.


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