Media Outlets Mislead Readers about COVID-19 Data – IOTW Report

Media Outlets Mislead Readers about COVID-19 Data

NR: The public overwhelmingly relies on the press to provide them with accurate information and proper context. When it comes to COVID-19, many press outlets are consistently failing to do that. In fact, the reporting on data related to the epidemic has increasingly led to conclusions that aren’t accurate and an audience that is misinformed.

The perfect example was an article from The Hill that told readers Texas was seeing “thousands of new coronavirus cases days after state’s stay-at-home order lifted.” Seems rather obvious that The Hill started with a view that moving into a re-opening phase is a mistake and things are getting worse, and then looked for a way to support that conclusion. This claim managed to mislead readers in two key ways:

(1) Given the incubation period and a lag in testing, new cases that are identified on a certain day are unlikely to have any relationship to policies implemented days earlier.

(2) “New cases” is a very misleading metric because it does not account for increases in testing. The rate of positive tests in Texas has declined significantly.

Mainstream outlets have attempted to tie new cases and deaths to recent re-opening actions in FloridaGeorgia, and Texas, despite it being clear that any spike in cases or deaths would not be apparent for weeks after such policy changes. MORE

16 Comments on Media Outlets Mislead Readers about COVID-19 Data

  1. The only statistic that matters or has ever mattered with regard to need to shut down schools, businesses, and socialist distance is hospital admissions–are COVID cases we overwhelming hospitals? That statistic is never mentioned by the media because with only a handful of exceptions in the most densely populated areas, it was never even close. There was never any justification for what the many state governments did. There is absolutely no justification for it to continue either, even though they’ve moved to goal posts now to “save lives” (when it doesn’t work that way).

  2. As testing becomes more common, for both the virus and antibodies (immunities) to it, I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes a common virus to have been exposed to with only a very small percentage of those exposed actually developing the disease (and almost all of them recovering from it, another of those missing or unreported statistics).

    But that’s just my personal speculation, it could turn out wrong if the real and full data is ever made public to see whether it is or not.

  3. “The public overwhelmingly relies on the press to provide them with accurate information and proper context.”


    I cannot help it, I cannot stop laughing over this statement.

    too funny !

    joke of the day territory

  4. As long as it “leads” them to support the great and glorious herding! Good on ’em!

    (Seriously, you tards. If you insist. That “we” allow. The Gladyses a stake. A place at the table. For stakeholders. Then we are ruled by Gladyses. Locked in a Gladys approved cage. Until Gladys wants you out. On a leash. To do work for xer. That is what you demand. If you allow Gladys to, even, peep out the window.)

  5. Shakespeare had that old saying “first, we kill all the lawyers”. Maybe it’s time to update that to kill all the anchors and “experts”. The media vied with each other to see which “expert” they could interview that would give the most dire, horrific predictions on this Covid Flu then entice the viewers to stay watching with a breathless “more after this break”. What should have been almost a passing notation (a bad flu like season so take common sense precautions) to a full blown panic that crashed a healthy economy, put way to much power into the hands of Governors, Mayors and City Council for gods sakes, stripped Americans (and us Canadians as well) as our civil rights and half the blame belongs right in the laps of CNN, MSNBC, CBC, BBC, ABC, NPR etc etc etc. Instead of helping calm the nations with reason they set fire to them. Shame on them and I only hope the FCC steps in (CRTC up here) and investigate their conduct but I’m afraid it won’t happen.

  6. I survived The Great Fake Plague of 2020, and all I got was a stupid government check I neither needed nor wanted and a unquenchable desire to smash a CNN news media hack in the face with a 20 lbs sledge hammer.

  7. I listened to a great discussion between a couple of people in line at Home Depot yesterday. The take away was: So what and who cares what the University of Washington has to say. They were all aboard the fifty however many genders bullshit too. They have no credibility left. So many people joined in you would think that I live in a conservative stronghold. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is Progistan here folks and people are finally waking up to what the progs have in store for them.

    Guess what? This marks the zenith of the progressive movement controlled institutions for at least a decade. They have been fully exposed and are being soundly ridiculed everywhere.

  8. This is an argument you cannot win against the left. Hospitals have not been overwhelmed as the “experts” predicted, therefore, it’s time to open things up. Those in charge claim it’s BECAUSE of the lockdown, so it must continue. Like talking to a fish…


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