Media Pulls Another “Let’s Go Brandon” – IOTW Report

Media Pulls Another “Let’s Go Brandon”


SIOUX FALLS—“Let’s Go Brandon,” the anti-Joe Biden catchphrase that has made waves this holiday season—as highlighted by an ex-cop uttering it directly to the president—is now officially in roadside prank territory.

An electronic road sign in Dell Rapids, South Dakota, a town of 3,600 people about 20 miles north of Sioux Falls, has been displaying the message in recent days.

“Let’s Go Brandon FJB,” it stated, the last three letters abandoning any pretense that the phrase means something other than “Fuck Joe Biden!”

Let’s Go Brandon has become a treasured bit of conservative code in recent months. It started at a NASCAR race at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama on Oct. 2. As a reporter tried to interview the winning driver, Brandon Brown, some attendees started to cheer “Fuck Joe Biden” on live TV. The reporter suggested they were saying, “Let’s go, Brandon.”

Soon, Republicans in and out of public life embraced and repeated it. An Oregon man and ex-police officer even used the phrase during a phone call with President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden on Christmas Eve.

“Merry Christmas, and let’s go, Brandon!”Jared Schmeck said during the call, one of many the Bidens did. Jill Biden seemed to wince, but the president moved on, asking him if he was from Oregon.


Really? That’s what Biden did? He moved on and asked him if he was from Oregon?

Biden didn’t repeat, “Let’s Go Brandon,” in essence saying to go fuck himself?

I guess “Are you from Oregon?” can be the new “code”, a code that means the media can go fuck themselves.

24 Comments on Media Pulls Another “Let’s Go Brandon”

  1. I am not in favor of “highjacking” official government signs for political messages, of any kind.

    Not only are they misuse of the apparatus but it threatens the livelihood of the guy that programmed it. We have already seen the “Karens” on the left demanding the heads of a public servant going on tic-toc/youtube and publicly criticizing their betters. That dope on CNN already akkinned any Let’s Go Brandon statement as domestic terrorism.

    If 4 years ago we saw, “Put the pussy grabber in prison” on an official message board, you wouldn’t like it. It takes minimal investigative work to find out who programmed that above message. The wife would not be too thrilled if he came home and had to explain how he is now unemployed because of a dumb prank he thought was funny.

  2. @ Rich Taylor “If 4 years ago we saw, “Put the pussy grabber in prison” on an official message board, you wouldn’t like it. ”
    I agree, but the big difference is no one would have doxxed, harassed, and gotten the person fired just because they didn’t like the message.

  3. Liberals have Selective Offense.
    The “Pussy Grabber” offends them, but they are just fine with child molesting, killing babies, burning entire cities, raping, robbing and looting everything in sight because of skin color!

    I dunno about you, but THAT really offends me!

  4. @F4UCorsair

    Yes, I recognize that difference, one of about a thousand differences we have with those cry-baby knee-jerk bed wetters. That is why I don’t want to see these “official” signs, even with a suspension, it is not worth it.

  5. >> treasured bit of conservative code

    This is false. All the college kids screaming fuck Joe Biden at sports games aren’t what I would call conservatives, but they all quickly adapted to Let’s Go Brandon.

    The media is gaslighting here. It’s much more popular than just conservative code. Those sports games attendees likely voted for Joe in large numbers, or didn’t vote at all, but I bet the minority voted for Trump, and even less so would be considered conservative.

    They can’t stand their own base railing against authority. And so the corrupt fake news media does what they do best, steer the conversation to what they want, the hell with truth.

    Are you from Oregon?

  6. @Rich Taylor
    DECEMBER 30, 2021 AT 8:57 AM
    “I am not in favor of “highjacking” official government signs for political messages, of any kind.

    Not only are they misuse of the apparatus but it threatens the livelihood of the guy that programmed it.”

    Not likely. Do you know how hard it is to fire a public employee? Besides, forgetting to lock the apparatus would hardly be grounds for firing.

    However if the sign was warning of danger and was being repurposed for this, I agree that is punishable. But lately I have seen these things used for Covid propaganda.

  7. I’m thinking the roadside sign did it by itself. Slow Joe is so disliked even the machinery is turning on him. Hey, if guns can kill people, (just go off) then signs can surely have their say.

  8. Kcir
    Here in North Maine we have French also.
    They speak a bit different dialect than Qubecois because of their Acadian heritage.
    Pierre and Etienne were talking, and Pierre said he need a new milks cow because he’s old one, she die.
    Etienne tol him to go to Kebec because they have some very productive cows up dere, so he did. the Kebec farmer said this cow gives the most milk he never saw but every time you squeeze her teats, she fart. Pierre said no problem and bought her. Camille, Etienne’s cousin came to see the new cow one day, and Pierre told him about the large volume of milk she give, and also about the farts.
    Camille sez You get that cow from Kebec?
    Pierre sez how you know that Camille??
    Oh…..My wife…. she come from Kebec.

  9. @Rich Taylor December 30, 2021 at 8:57 am

    > The wife would not be too thrilled if he came home and had to explain how he is now unemployed because of a dumb prank he thought was funny.

    Held down, and forced to put big boy pants on!?
    Oh, the humanity!

  10. “The MEDIA LIES!”
    Rather benign. Why is the media so heavily invested in the destruction of our Republic and exactly what will they gain from it. And why can’t we shoot them on sight.

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