Media Took 30,000 Job Hits Last Year, Most Never Coming Back – IOTW Report

Media Took 30,000 Job Hits Last Year, Most Never Coming Back


Media job cuts hit an all-time record high in 2020, and there is no sign those jobs are coming back.

“Media,” according to the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas that compiled the numbers, includes TV and film production, the news business, and advertising.

The failing news industry alone makes up more than half — 16,180 — of those cuts.

Let me just stop right now and make clear that I feel every bit as bad about these media people losing their jobs as they do when a coalminer or oil worker loses his job. We’re all Americans, amirite? More

23 Comments on Media Took 30,000 Job Hits Last Year, Most Never Coming Back

  1. The Presstitutes and Media Pimps should be the first in line for a fair trial and swift execution of sentence. They traded their Constitutional Privilege intended to defend We the People from the tyranny of government for a seat at the table of Globalism.

  2. Media has been playing right into the hands of the left. “Gee Wally I wonder why people with brains and options are not listening to the canned news echo chambers?”

  3. MissInMi

    “…Well, bless your pea pickin’ little heart…” 🤣 🤣 🤣

    That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title, and was all ready to make the comment, when what was the first comment I saw? Yours! Oh well, next time I’ll be quicker to the draw.

  4. “I feel every bit as bad about these media people losing their jobs as they do when a coalminer or oil worker loses his job. We’re all Americans, amirite?”

    I dunno if you’re “right.” I feel bad about working people – real workers losing their jobs. I don’t feel one ounce of sorrow for any media person losing theirs. Media is not a job if you call being a professional liar a job. If you’re stupid enough to get a so-called degree in journalism – I mean lying, you’re no different than an worthless person whose living is making up stories and passing it off as truth. A journalists goal in life is to destroy people, their careers, family and children. We know who they are.

  5. Seaoh

    “…And everyone of those laid off was a women. ….. not kidding I know because I believe CNN…”

    Wait, I thought that the “media” was the leader of the (woke) pack. How could this be?

  6. The media is most likely jettisoning the peeps who actually work – the behind-the-scene peeps – Snuffellufagus sure hasn’t lost his gig – neither has Lemon or any of the rest of those traitorous maggots. Probably disenfranchising the union parasites – to collapse the unions and put their pensions under strict government (Party) control.
    Just a guess, I know nothing about it.

    izlamo delenda est …

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