Mediaite Headline Has Me Wonderin’ – IOTW Report

Mediaite Headline Has Me Wonderin’

This was the breathless headline at Mediaite-

Potential Trump VP Mike Pence Criticized Trump on Muslim Ban, Attacks on Hispanic Judge.

This is their “gotcha” moment. Trump’s veep disagreed with some of his views, therefore Trump Bad.

Instead of concerning themselves with Pence’s criticism of Trump, maybe they should worry about our headlines when Hillary picks her veep –

Hillary’s Veep Not All Concerned With emailgate

Hillary’s Veep Not All Concerned With Benghazi

Hillary’s Veep Not All Concerned With Clinton Foundation Slush Fund

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With Filegate

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With Hillary’s Muslim Brotherhood Aide

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With Chinagate

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With Pardongate

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With Hillary’s Defense of Child Rapist

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With Iranian Fundraising

Hillary’s Veep Not At All Concerned With …


These are land mines waiting for whomever teams up with that reprehensible bint.


11 Comments on Mediaite Headline Has Me Wonderin’

  1. I wonder if Trump’s first mistake is picking an establishment Republican. This was predictable… drive a wedge between the establishment pick and Trump. We will see how Pence handles it unless this is all a smoke screen and we are in for a big surprise tomorrow.

  2. Hillary’s veep not at all concerned with her chronic alcohol abuse.

    “There was a ruma about a Huma,
    Plugged into the base of her brain.
    But she was sittin’ up there with her champagne magnum,
    Laughing wildly as she gagged ’em.
    Who are we to say the c***’s insane?”

    (with apologies to Kinky Friedman)


  3. Pence isn’t my choice, but I can live with it. Being a Hoosier, and knowing how “””conservative””” the powers in certain areas are, Pence is probably the right choice.

    I never really believed that Pence is an enthusiastic RINO. A RINO is just something you kind of, have to somewhat be, in Indiana. I could be wrong, I won’t bet my farm on it, but Pence might be the ticket to party peace.

  4. Thirdtwin — 😉

    It would be more like Trump to head fake everyone. Bill O’ (I don’t like to watch him but my hands were full making dinner) is about to jump right out of his skin. Then Krauthammer started in criticizing him. So funny!

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