MEDIC! MEDIC! If you think you’re in a war, don’t yell “oh, my god” when a “soldier” is taken out – IOTW Report

MEDIC! MEDIC! If you think you’re in a war, don’t yell “oh, my god” when a “soldier” is taken out

Don’t stop for these rioters, thugs, shitstains, parasites…

They tried to Reginald Denny this guy in a Prius (who probably voted for what he is experiencing. Slow karma gonna get these LA voters.)

21 Comments on MEDIC! MEDIC! If you think you’re in a war, don’t yell “oh, my god” when a “soldier” is taken out

  1. Prius driver was arrested, cuffed, hauled away. The two drivers who illegally detained the Prius driver were ā€œidentified.ā€ Thereā€™s an unconfirmed report that the pickup truck used to illegally detain the Prius driver was stolen.

  2. You can’t fight these clowns in big cities where the RevComs have infiltrated city and county governments. You need to wait for them to come to you if you live in a rural area. This effort to destroy our Constitutional Republic is starting to look like a George Soros wet dream. Highly organized. But eventually they do need to come to us.

  3. Obviously the Prius driver is the party at fault. HOW DARE HE ignore the “peaceful protesters” and not stop, get out, and bow down and “Say Her Name”? Execution is the ONLY appropriate response. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!

  4. Deplorable Second Class, the problem happens when you don’t know these ‘protests’ are going to occur and you just happen to drive into one when you’re simply trying to get where you’re going.

    Sometime around the mid-point of the Obama administration, when you would hear all over the news about motorists in Iraq being stopped at checkpoints and beaten or worse if you happened to be the wrong affiliation of the same religion of peace all over the news (because it was still Bush’s fault at that point) I would think to myself how glad I was that things like that don’t happen in our country.

    Little did I know at the time…

  5. Looked like the Priat drove through, but not over, and protesters. It doesn’t appear they had any right to attempt vehicular manslaughter on them. By the same token, the Priat should’ve been smoking tires to escape from the beginning.

    Very nasty that the police(?) chopper narrator has zero interest in the Priat occupants safety and well being.

  6. So what crime did the Prius driver commit? Hit and run for your life because thugs are not only beating and destroying your expensive car but trying to pull you out a window. What, they just wanted his insurance card? And seriously, throwing a bike on the car? This should piss off every person in this country with auto insurance because all this crap just ends up passed on to the consumer. I’m sick of it and I really hope people get fed up and direct their anger to sending the democrats packing.

  7. When you voluntarily become part of a violent mob that is surrounding vehicles being legally operated on the streets you assume the risk of being run over.

    And anyone who is joining one of these “mostly peaceful protests” knows exactly what thy are signing up for and what the risks are.

  8. Agatha Kakalogical
    SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 2:13 PM
    “I laugh every time I hear them cry out ā€œmedicā€!
    What a bunch of total assholes. That is not a medic, just some dope playing doctor.”

    …maybe that’s why they like the masks so much, it lets them cosplay their favorite fantasy without doing any actual, you know, work n’ learning n’ experience and boring stuff like that…

  9. Pelopidas
    SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 2:42 PM
    “some thug cones up to my window banging on the window and door to drag me out will get a .45 round to the face.”

    …my carry is a humble 9, so I’ll probably have to double tap…


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