Medicaid Spends A Third of Its Budget Promoting Its Use – IOTW Report

Medicaid Spends A Third of Its Budget Promoting Its Use

According to a federal audit noticed by Judicial Watch, Medicaid used a little understood provision of  the Social Security Act to spent $109 billion in 2015 on “experimental, pilot or demonstration projects that promote the objectives of Medicaid and its counterpart, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).”



10 Comments on Medicaid Spends A Third of Its Budget Promoting Its Use

  1. I’d bet no one has any idea what percentage of Medicaid dollars actually goes toward actual care.
    Medicaid expansion=waste & fraud expansion

  2. Interesting little tidbits the media successfully buried: University of Virginia study found Medicaid is worse than no healthcare at all. Medicaid patients had twice the mortality rate as private insured.

    Then there are these studies:

    Oregon Health Experiment – New England Journal of Medicine:

    “This randomized, controlled study showed that Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years, but it did increase use of health care services”

    Interestingly, numerous studies (Rand, Dhaval Dave and Robert Kaestner, Anderson Stanciole,Jay Bhattacharya) finds having healthcare contributes to more risky health behaviors. “Does Health Insurance Make Your Fat?”(Bhattacharya) found a tie between having insurance and obesity. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth–which followed 12,000 teenagers over 15 years–provided the data. Bhattacharya found that teenagers’ body mass index was 2.1 points higher when they were on Medicaid and 1.3 points higher among those with commercial insurance, compared to the uninsured.

    Also found that the low income uninsured already have reasonable access to care through clinics, uncompensated care, emergency departments, and out of pocket spending.

    If liberals believed in science they might see Darwinism is more powerful than their smugness.

  3. At my pharmacy MediCal copay is three times the price of meds purchased outright thru their price-match program.
    For the exact same generics.

    I smell a scam.

  4. dirty little secret … everyone that was unable to pay ObysmalCare premiums were forced into Medicaid …. better known as VA Care on steroids

    see? … this was all supposed to morph into Single-Payer once Hillary was anointed … that’s why the repugnicans are just as pissed as the d’Rats & are bending over backwards to keep as much of this debacle (for the US people) going as they can.

    Trump winning has upset a lot of the Uniparty’s gravy-train

  5. they could sure close up the doughnut hole with 109 billion bucks. I just picked up a script today that cost $1378 for a three months supply. (Januvia) Wonder what it costs in Mexico or Canada? Med prices are something which the fed needs to get under control. Hard to fight mega bucks from big pharma though

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