Medicine Regulators believe attenuated viruses in AstraZeneca & Janssen COVID Vaccines are to blame for rise in deadly Hepatitis among Children – IOTW Report

Medicine Regulators believe attenuated viruses in AstraZeneca & Janssen COVID Vaccines are to blame for rise in deadly Hepatitis among Children

The Exposé: The World Health Organization recently issued a ‘global alert’ about a new form of severe hepatitis affecting children.

The news came after the UK Government announced it was launching an urgent investigation after detecting higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) among children, after having ruled out the common viruses that cause the condition.

The current publicised, but not watertight theory is that this is due to an adenovirus. But not just any adenovirus. Evidence suggests that Medicine Regulators around the world believe it is due to an “attenuated” adenovirus variant in both the AstraZeneca and Janssen Covid-19 vaccines that has gone rogue. more

10 Comments on Medicine Regulators believe attenuated viruses in AstraZeneca & Janssen COVID Vaccines are to blame for rise in deadly Hepatitis among Children

  1. Donald Trump took the advice of supposedly competent doctors like that fraud Fauci who told him the vax would save millions of lives. He was surrounded by traitors to our country.

  2. Liver failure is an extremely nasty, painful way to die.

    And they inflicted it on children who neither had agency in accepting, nor even ability to comprehend.

    And they effectively destroyed the ability to receive donor organs and the donor organs themselves with the same poison.

    All for a virus so weak an adult needs an unreliable test to even know they HAVE it, while a child will clear it with no trouble at ALL, or even symptoms in 99.999 percent of cases.

    I am too angry to even curse them properly.

    And curses do not bother those who kill children anyway.

    Time for sterner measures.

  3. I saw a very stupid story on the DailyMail blaming the liver disease on contact with dogs. Really? The family pet. Can’t wait for the sad stories of families dropping off them dog at a shelter because they think it’s given their child hepatitis.

    What a terrible way to try to steer gullible people away from the vax as the culprit.

  4. @ Jelly and Cheryl- It’s true that DT was utterly deceived by an evil, globalist cabal. However, it was clear, very early on that the jab was dangerous and ineffective. Yet, DT continues to sing his own and the jabs’ praises. It sickens me every time I hear him speak of it. He owes us an apology for his complete lack of discernment. An honorable person would repent and acknowledge his part of the disaster.

  5. Yes, Fnucky. Trump was surrounded by the Biden crime family.

    P.S. keep up the good work, you’ve attained coherency. Congrats.

  6. So, Trump convinced all of those liberals to get the jab. Who da fuck are you kidding?

    The rest of us aren’t a cult to DJT like the liberals are to Biden and Obama and the rest of the tards and we did our own research. We didn’t get the jab regardless of what Trump said about it. He can push it all day long if he wants. We knew what it was from the very beginning.


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