Meet Assata Shakur – IOTW Report

Meet Assata Shakur

The relevance  of why I am profiling her will be evident after the jump.

FBI photo file showing the different appearances of Assata Shakur.


Assata Olugbala Shakur (born JoAnne Deborah Byron on July 16, 1947[1]), whose married name was Chesimard,[2][3] is an African-American activist and member of the former Black Panther Party (BPP) and Black Liberation Army (BLA). Between 1971 and 1973, Shakur was convicted of several crimes and was the subject of a multistate manhunt.[4][5]

In May 1973, Shakur was involved in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike, in which she was accused of killing New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster and grievously assaulting Trooper James Harper.[6] BLA member Zayd Malik Shakur was also killed in the incident, and Shakur was wounded.[6] Between 1973 and 1977, Shakur was indicted in relation to six other incidents—charged with murder, attempted murder, armed robbery, bank robbery, and kidnapping—resulting in three acquittals and three dismissals. In 1977, she was convicted of the first-degree murder of Foerster and of seven other felonies related to the shootout.[7]

Shakur was incarcerated in several prisons in the 1970s. She escaped from prison in 1979 and fled to Cuba in 1984 after living as a fugitive for a few years, and received political asylum. She has been living in Cuba ever since. Since May 2, 2005, the FBI has classified her as a domestic terrorist and offered a $1 million reward for assistance in her capture. On May 2, 2013, the FBI added her to the Most Wanted Terrorist List; the first woman to be listed.[8] On the same day, the New Jersey Attorney General offered to match the FBI reward, increasing the total reward for her capture to $2 million.[9]

Why am I posting about this piece of shit?


This is what they’re up to these days, chanting a cop killing communist’s manifesto. It’s all out in the open and these are the favored students who get the great grades from the pony-tailed professors.

HT/ Rob E.

20 Comments on Meet Assata Shakur

  1. Obama will pardon her shortly. She’s the right color, right sex, she kills cops and she’s a commie. Obama probably has a long list of notorious bad guys and gals he is going to pardon.

  2. Cut off the Government funding, and all this crap collapses overnight.
    Ban some campus organizations, and this crap collapses overnight.
    Have IRS revoke the 501-c tax exemptions of Universities allowing this on campus property, and this crap collapses overnight.
    Audit some of the pony tail professors and discover their back taxes/penalties owed, and this crap collapses overnight.

    Melissa Click, formerly Missou, would be a good first example.

    “Nice little university pension plan you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.”

    This Commie cultural subversion crap has not met any real resistance since the ’60s. So they’ve had an easy unopposed takeover of State schools, Hollywood, and the culture generally.

    But collectively they’re weak, hypocritical pussies. Threaten their personal bourgeois security and they’ll fold up and bend over.

    This crap will collapse overnight as soon as it ceases to be supported by Government.

    It’s time for the Left to be eradicated.

  3. All talk. They’d be surprised at how much they have now and will lose if they start acting on what those “teachers” are putting them up to.

  4. I miss the movies where the next scene was
    some guy (i.e. Schwarzenneger)
    would come through the doors and say,
    “it’s your duty to die”
    and mow the filth down.

  5. Keep hammering away MM, some of the over half of the Republicans that have issues with Trump are still planning on voting for him.
    You need to keep it up until every one of them stays home in November.
    Otherwise, your gal loses.

  6. Sam, I tried to say her stupid African name out loud and it kind of sounded like “Ass-hat” with an “a” on the end. Way to pick a super-cool Black Panthery name, JoAnne…er…I mean Asshat.

  7. @mm – It’s not helpful because you all continue to antagonize the people that you will need to vote for your guy in November. Or do you really believe you don’t need the MAJORITY of Republican voters that didn’t vote for Trump in the primary?

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