Meet Barrett – IOTW Report

Meet Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett

13 Comments on Meet Barrett

  1. I realize that she just afforded an opinion that I disagree with (you can guess what that was), but in comparison with everything else, I cannot find fault with her.
    I am almost hoping that the Dems do beat on her because of her religious stance so she can throw it back in their face with Biden and Pelosi both being “practicing Catholics”

  2. So much no. She is a complete disaster. She supports lockdowns, she has said she would defer to the pope…

    The Cuban judge Barbra Lagoua from Florida is an actual constitutional conservative.

    She is another swamp creature. NO!

  3. She supports lockdowns, but seemed to support the dissenting judge that was not in favor of the Japanese internment during WWII. That sure sounds like conflicting positions to me. What will her position be if she is on the court?

  4. Ever since I read the link provided by AA, I have strong doubts. I had my eye on another FL SC Justice, Muniz, and then BB mentioned Lagona and after reading her credentials, she looks to be a better pick.

    Hell I went to a Romney/Ryan rally and cheered them so what do I know?

  5. “Hell I went to a Romney/Ryan rally and cheered them so what do I know?”

    You think that’s bad, I found a McShitstain magnetic sign I’m my garage the other day. I had to laugh. Then I cried.

  6. Looking at what we have accepted (before they actually did anything) in the past, I am willing to see what she will do if she is the nomination.
    I have had the joy of being a friend of a district judge (he was in my parent’s generation and I met him through them), and though we often agreed, we did occasionally disagree on his rulings. He was willing to argue his point, and he was willing to listen to my counter-point. I won’t say that I was overly successful in those debates (that was his job, after all), but he welcomed the chance. I will miss him.
    The point being, let her (or whoever is the nominee) make the case, and we can agree, or not.
    I will always hope the next judge will be more of a Judge Thomas than a Judge Roberts. Regardless, if President Trump nominates her, I will put my money on her being better than the Notorious RBG.

  7. Whatever we think of her, I find it beyond appalling that the Demonic Left have taken to bringing up her adopted children. They want to know if the adoptions are legal, they accuse her of using them as props, and worse. Yet, these are the same people who tell us children are “off limits” (and they should be). Absolutely sick to my stomach.
    Bill Maher had a disgusting monologue last night about her and somehow managed to work Stormy Daniels into it.
    I am with Illustr8r and hope this is a Red Herring and that he will announce Barbara Lagoa instead. The crap the conservative women have to put up with when it comes to their children is beyond nauseating.

  8. I can honestly say that I never got on board with McShitstain. I disliked him immensely before he got the nomination and even more so after. But man, did he do us a great favor by picking Palin or what? I did vote for him but his hands off Obama campaign was sickening.

    To this day I’ll never understand why he made that brilliant move and didn’t unleash her but rather let that scum Steve Schmidt trash her underhandedly, with anon leaks and behind the scenes, WTF?

    I still think cheering R/R was the dumber move, especially as both of these douches’ true character was revealed in later years. Ryan almost singlehandedly ruined Trump’s first 2 years while he was Speaker. Palin is solid.

  9. The problem with Lagoa is no one really knows how she will rule or develop. She has the same background as Roberts and has only been on the federal court this year. It is often very hard to get an inexperienced and untested nominee through the process. Barrett has gone through it already and probably is the best chance to be approved and withstand the upcoming hearings. We never get 100% but hopefully she’ll be solid enough not to end up a Roberts.


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