Meet Dr. Kelli Ward – IOTW Report

Meet Dr. Kelli Ward

It’s not often that we get to meet a “politician” that’s worth supporting. For the most part, the politicians leading our nation today have proven themselves to be self-interested and craven polluters of our culture, as opposed to the helpful humanitarians they pretend to be. But not all are bad… and we have proof.

Her name is Dr. Kelli Ward and she is running to help send Senator John McCain into retirement. Dr. Ward served as a conservative state Senator in Arizona often fighting against her state’s establishment and earning the respect and admiration of voters all over the state. She recently resigned her post to focus on primarying Senator John McCain and becoming the next Senator from Arizona.

Artlcle about Dr. Kelli Ward

Link to her website

The Arizona primary is next Tuesday.  If you plan on donating do so ASAP.  I just did.

7 Comments on Meet Dr. Kelli Ward

  1. Jethro, I’ve been following her for a while and totally agree with you. Kelli Ward is AZ’s chance to return to true conservatism.

    The MSM here is not giving her much press time, ‘tho.

    Looks like it’s time for us grass-roots voters to spread the word.

  2. I first heard of her when she did an interview on a local radio station. Her chief reason she decided to run for the senate was because her political co-workers told her “You can’t run because It’s not your turn!”
    I’m looking forward to voting for her myself.

  3. She’s great-I live in her hometown in Arizona. Sorry to say that Arizona has probably the two worst Senators –especially that fucker Flake. He is a lying snake. We need to get rid of both of them. Problem is Janet Napolitano opened the borders during her stint as governor and now Tuscon on south may as well be part of Mexico.

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