Meet Hillary’s Choice for Secretary of State – IOTW Report

Meet Hillary’s Choice for Secretary of State

The man famously called out by former defense secretary Bill Gates for being wrong on foreign policy for “four decades” tops Hillary Clinton’s choice to become her Secretary of State.  According to reports, the Clinton camp just has to find a way to convince Joe Biden to take the job.


The Clinton criminal syndicate will run right over this idiot.

21 Comments on Meet Hillary’s Choice for Secretary of State

  1. I don’t know why I gotta be a secretary – I wanna be the BNIC!

    Y’know … with the BIG DESK! Not stuck in the corner of the Oral Orifice at a fold-up card table …

  2. Why is it that we allow complete and utter incompetence to keep being recycled over and over again?? Why are the grossly inept continually rewarded in this country? No wonder the students in schools are such under achievers these days.

  3. One shudders at the mental image of unka Joey and Slick Willie running their orgy rooms in the White House. they will set aside a runway at Andrews AFB for the Lolita Express servicing the two old randy billygoats.

  4. If this really is Hillary’s claimed selection, then it’s completely clear proof that she’s become senile/mentally ill/psychotic. NOBODY in their right mind would select this doofus. Ahh, but then again we’ve had Shrillary and John “F’ing” Kerry as Sec’t of State.

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