Meet Kitty Demure, a drag queen who tells the truth about drag and children – IOTW Report

Meet Kitty Demure, a drag queen who tells the truth about drag and children

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Not all drag queens want to perform in front of children. Kitty Demure is honest about what drag performances are about and thinks that sexualizing children is wrong, very wrong.

My theory, which I’ll argue vigorously forever, is that children shouldn’t be near anyone whose primary self-identification revolves around sex. (“I am a gay teacher” versus “I am a teacher.”) The work of a drag queen is all about sex. These are men who culturally appropriate and stereotype women. They often have incredibly vulgar stage names that, thankfully, usually go right over children’s heads (just as I was much older before I figured out that the name “Pussy Galore” in the James Bond film Goldfinger was actually a risqué joke).

Lately, drag queens have suddenly become Democrat America’s cultural icons. They are everywhere and are being treated as the newest front in civil rights. Michigan’s attorney general, Dana Nessel, even declared that “Drag queens make everything better,” and opined that there should be “a drag queen for every school.”

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5 Comments on Meet Kitty Demure, a drag queen who tells the truth about drag and children

  1. A blind sodomite can still find a nut of truth, but he’s still a blind sodomite. You do not need his affirmation of what you already know since there’s probably nothing else you’d agree on.

  2. Saw him on Odin’s Men the other day.
    Yes, he makes the point those of us who aren’t insane enough to think grooming cool but those drag getups are garish, clownish and grotesque representations of women.
    No kid should be taught that is normal.

  3. The Left has pretty much equated Cross-dressers and drag queens with that funny clown all kids love.

    Kudos to this guy for telling the truth. What he does for a living makes me ill, but he’s an adult and I’m not being forced to watch him work while being paid with my tax dollars.

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