Meet the Donald Trump-Loving, Sanctuary City-Bashing Black Republican Running for NYC Mayor – IOTW Report

Meet the Donald Trump-Loving, Sanctuary City-Bashing Black Republican Running for NYC Mayor


Mayor Bill de Blasio has made his opposition to President Donald Trump the core of his re-election bid, and his best-funded Republican opponent, real estate developer Paul Massey, has gone out of his way to say he wrote in ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the polls last year—but one longshot contender for the city’s highest office has embraced his party’s commander-in-chief and some of his most controversial immigration policies wholeheartedly.

Rev. Michel Faulkner, former Jets defensive lineman-turned-minister, concluded his presentation to a gathering of the Brooklyn GOP last night with a lengthy quote from Trump’s first address to the joint session of Congress earlier this week—a quote he attributed to “a great president.” The first question from the audience concerned New York’s “sanctuary city” statutes, which bar local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials under most circumstances, policies the president has promised to penalize through funding cuts.

“Sanctuary cities are wrong,” Faulkner shouted to raucous applause. “This is a city of laws!”

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h/t Melanie

11 Comments on Meet the Donald Trump-Loving, Sanctuary City-Bashing Black Republican Running for NYC Mayor

  1. He isn’t de Blasio, therefore everyone should vote for Faulkner.

    All bullshit aside, the blacks have been screwed the worst by Democrat/Obama open-border policies, with poor whites being a close second.

  2. Any person regardless of how good their intentions are or how popular they are will have to battle the embedded socialist, democrats and unions that control so much of how things get done.
    Much like President Trump is dealing with now.
    I wish him the best of luck and hope the people of N.Y.C. see that this is the future if you wish to be city that thrives and people want to visit and feel safe in.

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