‘Meet The Press’ Issues Correction On VP Harris’s Attendance At Dignified Transfer Of Killed American Service Members – IOTW Report

‘Meet The Press’ Issues Correction On VP Harris’s Attendance At Dignified Transfer Of Killed American Service Members

Daily Caller-

“Meet the Press” issued a correction of host Kristen Welker’s exchange with Republican Arkansas Sen. Tim Cotton as they discussed Sunday how President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump responded to the deaths of 13 American service members during the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Welker incorrectly stated that both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris attended the Aug. 29, 2021 dignified transfer of remains at Dover Air Force Base. Vice President Harris did not attend the event. more

10 Comments on ‘Meet The Press’ Issues Correction On VP Harris’s Attendance At Dignified Transfer Of Killed American Service Members

  1. Our so-called “main stream press” are some of the most woefully uninformed, ill-informed idiots to ever draw a breath, but they are also pathetically ignorant of their own ignorance. I have a neighbor who listens to the garbage propagated by CNN m MSNBC, CBS, etc. and she truly believes that I’m the one who is ill informed when I tell her that democrats are pushing transgenderism, communism, queerness, etc. She has blocked her own brain from believing that “her party” would do such evil things, even though the hard evidence is everywhere for her to see. I see so many supposedly “smart” journalists that truly don’t have the slightest idea about what has actually transpired in the last few hours / days, much less the past few years.

    That’s why I’m afraid that honest, decent people that know the truth and tell the truth will have to eventually do horrible things to their own neighbors, family and “friends”. I pray that these people will have the blinders / scales lifted off of their eyes (hearts) to see the true evil they are promoting, but I personally am unable to see that happening any time soon. I think that we are seeing many biblical truths revealed in today’s world and there is not stopping what shall be according to God’s Word.

    Christ told us in Matthew 24:10 – 12, “10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

    I thing that the best we can do is to put on the Gospel armor of God and fight against the evil we are face with.

  2. “On our broadcast this morning, we incorrectly implied…”
    No, you did not imply*, you stated directly as fact. So fuck you and your weasel word “correction”.

    *to state indirectly, to suggest

  3. Bubba’s Brother — Very good summary of the problem and solution. And in the meantime we pray, watch on the wall, and keep our eyes of Jesus. It’s so easy to become fatigued from the onslaught and despairing of God’s patience with the evil. Thank you for your encouragement.


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