Meet the Time Traveler Running for U.S. President – IOTW Report

Meet the Time Traveler Running for U.S. President

Oddity Central:  Adding to the madness of the 2016 US presidential election is American lawyer Andrew Basiago.

Andrew Basiago 2016

He claims to have traveled through time nearly all his life, and is pretty sure that he’s going to become “either president or vice president” between 2016 and 2028. Polling data is obviously of little use to this guy.

Basiago, a Washington-based attorney, first started talking about his experience with time travel in 2004, with Project Pegasus – a top secret organisation studying the effects of time travel and teleportation on children. So between 1968 and 1972, when Basiago was a young boy of seven, he claims to have participated in several experiments that transported him through time, space, and even parallel universes. His mission, supposedly, was to provide the US President at the time with important information about past and future events.

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*Closes laptop, waits for comet*

Earth comet waiting

19 Comments on Meet the Time Traveler Running for U.S. President

  1. Bullshit. Tell me all this crap in 40 years.

    If time ain’t real, who the Hell is that old fuck in my mirror?

    Sure as shit ain’t ME!

    Time travel is absolutely real – in ONE direction.
    There are NO paradoxes. There are NO coincidences. There is NO simultaneity. Time is the 4th Dimension of our 4-Dimensional Universe, and is subject to the same laws. Expansion, contraction, whatever – depending upon velocity, acceleration, impulse, jerk, and “direction.” Time, itself, is contracting at this point in the Universal expansion, because as “space” expands, time necessarily must contract. We experience this with the well-known “red-shift” in the Universe which is commonly described as the rate of expansion of space, but could just as easily be described as the contraction of time. I’m guessing that neither are “fixed” – there is NO metric – God has no need of one.

    Dude’s a fuckin nutcase.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You all are missing the point. 1) Sean Young believes in him. And if he can get me back to the 1980’s to meet a young Sean Young he has my vote. 2) and this is the important thing; more important than being able to go back to the 1980’s to meet a young Sean Young- this guy wants to make it illegal to hunt Sasquatch.

    As a time traveler he already knows who is going to win POTUS in 2016 because: it-has-already-happened… This guy is going to win because he has already won. Why else would he be running? How? I could see a possible path- Hillary goes down for the E-mails. When news hits Bernie that he is now the nominee he has a stroke and dies- leaving the path open to our friend of Sasquatch and young Sean Young.

  3. Tim, time is real in the same way that trigonometry is real.
    There are a lot of real things that you cannot travel.
    Time is also not a dimension. Even if it were, the fourth dimension is already taken. It is the universal frame of reference, and we only interact with it directly when rotating.

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