Megadonor who left Democrats says Bernie Sanders and AOC’s anti-oligarchy tour will backfire – IOTW Report

Megadonor who left Democrats says Bernie Sanders and AOC’s anti-oligarchy tour will backfire

Daily Caller: Former Democrat megadonor John Morgan told NewsNation host Chris Cuomo Thursday that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ anti-oligarchy tour featuring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will backfire, saying both politicians motivate President Donald Trump’s supporters.

The Vermont independent launched his “Fighting Oligarchy” tour in February, with the New York Democrat set to participate at multiple rallies. Morgan, who was very critical of former Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign in 2024, argued on “CUOMO” that Democrats should step aside rather than actively and outwardly oppose the Trump administration.

“It’s a mistake … I agree with [Democratic strategist James] Carville,” Morgan said when Cuomo asked if he likes the two left-wing politicians targeting “the oligarchs.”

7 Comments on Megadonor who left Democrats says Bernie Sanders and AOC’s anti-oligarchy tour will backfire

  1. Considering that liberal policies lead inevitably to consolidation and more power for those big business types to use to their advantage in government, THEY are the reason for the oligarchs in the first place.

  2. Not a word about Buffett, Soreass, Cuban, Bezos etc. All they are railing against are Conservatives. This whole thing will blow up on them like a 20 gal. keg of blasting powder being placed under each of their asses with the fuse now being lit.

  3. The next election cycle of ’26 will be critical for President Trump to fully implement his legislative agenda for MAGA and MAHA.

    Intelligent, Patriot Democrats have abandoned the Democrat Party.

    Berie and AOC are attempting to energize the Marxist, Socialist and Communist wings of the Democrat Party for civil unrest and wrestle control of the democrat party.


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