Meghan McCain in talks to join ‘The View’ – IOTW Report

Meghan McCain in talks to join ‘The View’


Put every dumb cow on one show so they don’t show up anywhere else.

ht/ annie

28 Comments on Meghan McCain in talks to join ‘The View’

  1. Another harpy joins “The View”. Meghan McCain will fit right in with that flock of vultures.
    They finally have a fatty to put on a diet to draw ratings, because the slob fest called Whoppie won’t do it.

  2. THE (liberal) VIEW

    The feminist experiment is a total failure. It depicts a bunch of low-information petty hens clucking at each other and acting like children when they are offended.

    *Talking over each other
    *Insulting each other
    *Stomping off the set
    *Crying on Twitter / backstag
    *Being re-invited back on the set
    *Some quitting
    *Some getting fired.

    This bimbo-show insults feminists more than any Conservative could ever hope to.

  3. The View” is a daytime show that features a roundtable of hosts who discuss the news of the day from various political perspectives”……
    That is the funniest thing i read all day.

  4. That photo of old ‘Wetstart’ McCain’s crotch fruit looks like a typical picture fat girls post on social media. Any evidence of her bloated, porcine body is cropped out of the shot.

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