Megyn “Bimbo” Kelly on Stern – IOTW Report

Megyn “Bimbo” Kelly on Stern

Megyn says she’s no conservative in certain areas. She discusses her chest, sex and her husband’s penis.

Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 8.59.46 AMVideo above ^

ht/ jerry manderin


30 Comments on Megyn “Bimbo” Kelly on Stern

  1. Man she hasn’t just jumped the shark, she’s rocketed past Neptune.

    I echo Frank’s point, why in the world does anyone feel the need to talk publicly about their sex life?

  2. not very professional, neither is her style of dress. i know the guys like her but someone like Dana Perino is much better all around. happy to see Trump put her in her place.

  3. I used to like Megyn Kelly when we had cable. When we got rid of the cable about 5 years or so ago I found out that I didn’t really miss her or O’Reilly or Glenn Beck for that matter. I don’t need some pretty brainless bimbo explaining the news to me. And Dana Perino whom I respect far more than Megyn Kelly is a graduate of Regent University in Virginia Beach just like my daughter.

  4. What happened to her? I used to love her. Maybe she is suffering from big head/big ego after getting her show. She either is under pressure now for ratings that she has jumped the shark (or rocketed past Neptune, thanks MM) or she feels that she can let her true nature out.

    If this is her true nature, she sure had me fooled. I thought that she was a true conservative and cared about the truth. Silly me.


    Bret Baer’s third party question was just the opening attack. It would’ve been just as potent if not more, without a weasely bias as a follow up later on. But no, Fox’s priority was to carry the ¡Yeb! palanquin across the finish line, ASAP.

    WTF was the point? To takedown Trump in the first go around, that’s what. Also pretty underhanded was how Fox had Megyn Kelly throw out the war on woman, in its ambush, but the gotcha game backfired when the Donald didn’t fall.

    The not so genteel Donald, isn’t a war on women like they keep on trying to make him out to be. First a twenty year old divorce non-issue with Ivanna. Then came the ‘Apprentice’ contestant non-incident, how MSNBC of Fox on that one.

    ¡Yeb! has $100 million in his war chest? How much is from big money donors & how much is from $75 Guac Bowl sales? Where are those things made anyway? They could they be made in China, maybe Mexico, or right here in America.

    TED CRUZ 2016!

  6. Megan must have come to the fork in the road. You know, the one where she wants to be a real journalist and where she can fight and claw and sell her soul for…what?? Fame?
    She blew it and made THE wrong decision.

  7. I think the rule of thumb is that if the news is more about the newsreader than the news subject, the newsreader is a celebrity and celebrities are all about their own ratings, not the news they read. Kelly jumped the shark a long time ago when she started believing how “hard hitting” she was. Look back to her “exclusive” bill ayers interview — her faked expressions of outrage and forced expressions of incredulity are caricature-esque. It’s as though she forces all of her emotional responses for the cameras.

    And in the meantime there is always the eye candy going on under her open desk — the guys just waiting for the moment when she uncrosses and recrosses her legs in her thigh-high, tight frocks. The old chestnut comes to mind: “We already know what you are, now we’re just haggling over the price.” Professional journalist? Oh, please.

  8. The Howard Stern interview is relevant in that it points out the HYPOCRISY of the oh-so-ladylike Megyn’s feigned outrage at wimmins being disrespected when she did it to herself with her own interview!

  9. Even FOX women age out of their demographic and are considered “long in the tooth” at a relatively early age. She’s most likely trying to make hay while the sun’s shining.

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  1. Erick Ericksson Disinvites Trump To His RedState Soiree and Invites Megyn Kelly In His Place |

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