Megyn Kelly at Kentucky Derby – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly at Kentucky Derby

It’s not news. Not sure why I’m posting.

Happy Mother’s Day to her and all.


20 Comments on Megyn Kelly at Kentucky Derby

  1. It’s just WRONG to objectify wymyns, and shtuff …

    See … you’ve got to look beyond the looks and appreciate wymyns for their very souls … and minds …

    oh, I can’t … sorry … I tried … my PCness fell out my ass while I was working on the tractor this morning.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Not sure how to react here. Half of me says, “Please don’t feed the animals, as in don’t give this attention whore any more attention.” The other half of me says, “Go ahead and objectify, cuz she’s an attention whore. Not to mention an empty suit…er…dress.” She lost me on her performance at the initial Fox debate for republican candidates. That actually was the day I turned off the tv entirely, buried Fox News in my past, and began reading iotw, ace, Breitbart, Mark Steyn and others instead.

  3. She looks pissed. Or constipated. In any case, not particularly attractive, but that last covers quite a bit of her public appearance territory, not just the ephemeral snapshot.

  4. Thanks, JustAl.

    And Britt, now that you’ve drawn attention to her feet, is it just me or does she have some hellish hammer toes or bunions or something?

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