Megyn Kelly Drops F-Bomb on Fauci – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Drops F-Bomb on Fauci

11 Comments on Megyn Kelly Drops F-Bomb on Fauci

  1. Me-again has some pretty good guests on occasion.
    However, she cloaks her disdain for Trump by having the occasional MAGA guest.
    Her sensationalist method of gotcha interviews, which I’m sure she deems “asking the hard questions” is no less transparent than the witches on The View, just presented by an attractive woman with well defined arms.

  2. Great, she’s 100% on target.


    When she gets a chance, she will go after Trump AGAIN, get hammered down, CRY and play victim for a second time.

    Women like her are all about themselves & never the greater good.

  3. Nice rant. Hope she really believes what she said. Megyn tends to showboat for ratings – stating the obvious. In general, conservatives are aware Fauci needs to be held accountable for his actions.


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