Megyn Kelly Emerges as Weak Link as CNN Breaks Fox News in October for First Time Since 2001 – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Emerges as Weak Link as CNN Breaks Fox News in October for First Time Since 2001

Breitbart: NEW YORK CITY, New York — Megyn Kelly of the Fox News Channel has emerged as that network’s weak link as Fox has fallen behind CNN in the ratings for a full month for the first time since 2001.

The October ratings are out and according to The Hill newspaper, CNN beat Fox News for the first time in 15 years.

“CNN enjoyed its strongest ratings month in years in October, beating rival Fox News in the key 25-54 demographic for a full month for the first time since 2001,” The Hill’s Joe Concha wrote. “CNN averaged 704,000 prime time viewers overall in October from the ages 25-54 demographic — the most coveted group by advertisers. Fox came in second with an average of 663,000 viewers, while MSNBC averaged 432,000 viewers — an all-time high for the Comcast-owned network.”

While Kelly’s own program still finished atop cable news in the key 25-54 demographic for the month, CNN beating Fox News overall in primetime in the demo for the first time in over a decade comes as Kelly has emerged as the face as of the network thanks to the honchos in the Murdoch family.  MORE

21 Comments on Megyn Kelly Emerges as Weak Link as CNN Breaks Fox News in October for First Time Since 2001

  1. CNN beats FOX? Missing Ailes yet? Viewers have noticed the subtle shift in FOX’s format and have abandoned them and gone like us to getting their news from the net. I respected their commitment to being “fair and balanced”, but really would have preferred them to be far right. Why? Because that philosophy was based,I believed,on the assumption that Liberals would have been forced into acknowledging the they were fair since they employed Liberals as well as conservatives. But really,Liberals being fair is not something that happens.

  2. Never cared for Megan she seems full of herself. Fox used to be my main news channel but just don’t watch news on the tube much and when I do it is the lame stream networks just because I enjoy amusing my wife by yelling at them and calling them out on their twisted ways.

  3. I peruse several Internet news sites, I have no use for fox or other main stream media to tell me what I have read, interpret facts, share their personal or network opinions.

    Main stream media are manipulators, spin masters, talking heads (Not Journalists) who generally read and spew the words of their network writers, the DNC or their own twisted bias.

    They choose which political pundits to air based upon a set corporate agenda. Fair and Balanced News is “far, far behind” advertising dollars and viewership.

    No thanks Main Stream Media, you aren’t needed for your faux creation of controversy, entertainment value or opinions.

  4. Megan and her killer “B’s” finally drove me away from Fox. Granted O’Reilly was getting to be a bore but that blond bimbo was just plain nasty to us, the viewers. What happened to you report and let us decide.
    I’ve turned Fox off completely and just listen to Shawn Hannity on satellite radio. Fox shot themselves in the foot.

  5. “On The Record With Brit Hume”? Nah, I don’t think so.

    Any Fox Business watchers notice that they’ve been moving Wah-Hon Williams and Jerry Rivers over to FBN’s Lou Dobb’s shows? That’s because nobody is watching them at FNC. This was especially apparent a few weeks back when Murdock gave orders to attack Trump.

  6. One night she was wearing an expensive [I guess} pair of shoes. The camera zoomed in and her foot took up 75% of my screen. Since then I call her “Bigfoot”.
    My wife watches “TV Newz”, I gave that up years ago.

  7. Its not just Megan. Fox seems to be courting the ‘NeverTrump” vote lately. Then there’s “The Five’s Perino and Gutfeld ragging on Breitbart and the “alt-right”. Apparently they have all forgotten who made them #1 to start with.

  8. I worked at a CBS affiliate in Seattle. We had a few arrogant male and female anchors. They are everywhere. The female’s nickname amongst the studio crew was “The Airhead”. It was TRUE.

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