Megyn Kelly Goes There – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Goes There

22 Comments on Megyn Kelly Goes There

  1. Yep! I’ve noticed that most of my life. You can say the same thing about Lesbians (or whutever flavor of AFU they’re calling themselves THIS week!) It really shows when people are not happy with themselves… in many ways!

  2. I have to say that the dumber looking idiots deserve all the stupid comments because they are so fvcked up to begin with. Even if there is a fair looking lady, I have to think what kind of disease would I get inviting them overnight. No way, the Demoncrat disease is no worse than voting Demoncrat.

  3. An attractive Lib-Tard Progressive is the exception to the rule but they are as ugly on the inside as the unfortunate looking ones (i. e. ugly ones for those here from Loma Linda).

  4. They are really dumb. Really, really dumb.
    They’re so dumb they don’t realize most of the other ugly protesters around them are there for the same reason: they want to get laid. Out in the real world, they’re too ugly to score even in dimly lit singles bars at 2 a.m. closing time.

    If you could clean out the politics and ideologies for 15 minutes, most of them would disappear into the bushes and tents, two by two. Or three by three, whatevs.

  5. They’re angry, confused, conflicted, irrational, unhappy, unlovable, hopeless and inconsolable. People get ugly when they feel that way. Every contradiction shows in their faces.

    Plus, they are really dumb. Really, really dumb.n (Thanks, Uncle Al.)


    They are really dumb. Really, really dumb.


    We are the DUMB DUMBS,
    The dummy, dummy DUMB DUMBS,
    And every where we go,
    People wanna know, who we are,
    So we tell ’em,

    We are the DUMB DUMBS,
    The dummy, dummy DUMB DUMBS,
    And every where we go,
    People wanna know, who we are,
    So we tell ’em,

    We are the DUMB DUMBS,
    The dummy, dummy DUMB DUMBS,
    And every where we go,
    People wanna know, who we are,
    So we tell ’em,

    … (This is dumb…)

  6. Jethro, I would rather screw a goat.
    The sad thing is that many were quite cute before they went to the big school.
    LCD what an eye opener.
    We have 3 next door. Sad

  7. Goes back to the difference between pretty and beautiful. Pretty is superficial and beauty goes to character. These N.A.G.s (to quote El Rushbo) have a permanent hate on but then so do the neta boys that flitter around them (what’s the male counterpart to a “fag hag”?).

    I’ll suggest that a large part of this is the rejection of historical gender roles combined with a heavy dose of narcissism or failure to grow up, since mommy and daddy give “unconditional love” by innumerable participation trophies as opposed to actual love of parental guidance which includes setting a good example and correcting bad behaviours.

  8. Going back to the great Rush Limbaugh, he explained that”….”feminism” was created to allow unattractive women easier access to mainstream society…..”. He prefaced this by siting Bella Abzug, Betty Freidan & Shirley Chisholm for examples, and the “movement” gaining “legitamacy” when an attractive Gloria Steinem joined. In short, in the name of “equity” this army of misfits seek to make everyone else as miserable as they are.


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