Megyn Kelly Leaving FOX?… Ailes Author Says “She Wants to Go Mainstream” – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Leaving FOX?… Ailes Author Says “She Wants to Go Mainstream”

GatewayPundit- Author Gabriel Sherman went on with Steve Malzberg on NewsMax TV Thursday.

fox moderators 2015

Sherman wrote The Loudest Voice in the Room in 2014 on FOX News President Roger Ailes. Today he told Malzberg that Megyn Kelly wants to go mainstream and is keeping her options open. MORE

h/t Melodee

29 Comments on Megyn Kelly Leaving FOX?… Ailes Author Says “She Wants to Go Mainstream”

  1. Maybe she’s suffering the illusion that SHE is the reason for her popularity, rather than the perception of what she represented. If she thinks she can take her “personality” into a new perspective and remain credible, she’ll be over like every other libstain. But as far as I’m concerned, she’s very tainted right now.

  2. Me thinks she thought she thinks too beautiful and smart for her own good.

    Megyn, like O’Reilly suffers from the “I’m always the smartest person in the room” syndrome.

    Megyn isn’t “hungry” anymore. Well, she’s now destined to suffer from “Erin Burnett syndrome” from here on out.

  3. I saw Megyn Kelly earlier on debate day say this debate could “CHANGE HISTORY”. It is obvious her part of the “CHANGE HISTORY HIT” on Trump was to get him out of the race. I am not even a Trump fan, but that was such an attack on just him it was ridiculous. I am ANGRY at Fox and won’t ever watch her again. She is just a skinny Candy Crowley.

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