Megyn Kelly: Oscars Would Get Better Ratings If They Stop Making ‘Political Speeches’ – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly: Oscars Would Get Better Ratings If They Stop Making ‘Political Speeches’

DC: Journalist Megyn Kelly claimed Thursday that the Oscars would get better ratings if they stopped making “political speeches” during the ceremony.

Kelly, the host of NBC’s “Megyn Kelly Today,” said that comedian Jimmy Kimmel shouldn’t be allowed to host future Academy Awards shows since he openly shows disdain for Republicans, Raw Story reported.

“If the Oscars want better ratings, they should really consider stopping the political speeches,” Kelly said during an episode of “Megyn Kelly Today.” “I think a lot of us don’t tune in to hear — get a lecture on politics. We’re looking to have a moment of escaping. We want to hear politics, we turn to cable news.” more

21 Comments on Megyn Kelly: Oscars Would Get Better Ratings If They Stop Making ‘Political Speeches’

  1. Knew plenty of crew and small time actors when I lived out there.
    The whole thing is elitist stroke fest. Has not a damn thing to do with the “little” people except to influence you to waste your cash on going to a nominated film.
    The studios send bling filled boxes including a copy of the film to bribe members of the voting academy, you don’t mean diddly to them.

  2. Megyn Kelly’s impertinent question to Trump in the opening of the presidential debates may have been when Trump secured the nomination by answering “only Rosie O’Donnell”.

    Hey Megyn, how do you feel about Fox News NOW, you loser?

  3. No one cares about MeAgain OR the Oscars because of what they did when they had the chance.
    The only fix is if BOTH go away. Clear the stage. Send the crew home.

    And Jimmy Kimmel has ruined his privilege to host a nightly comedy/variety show, let alone any specials.

    Until the producers, the network face up to this, they’re just pissing into the wind, throwing good money after bad. Even the formerly loved NFL has choked the life out of its Golden Goose. Move on, the party’s finito.

  4. Megan is going to be called into the office for a verbal beating on this slip up. Her opinion is not representative of the lefts plans for using the Academy Awards as a political soap box for Hollywood bad mouth Trump night. Her apology for insubordination to the MSM powers to be, will be forthcoming shortly.

  5. “Megyn Kelly claimed Thursday that the Oscars would get better ratings if they stopped making “political speeches” during the ceremony.”

    Put this one in the column of “Something we’ll never know”.

  6. Let ‘em continue their elitist America hating dumpster fire of a show just like it’s been.

    The ratings will only continue to plummet, and it puts the nation on notice that Hollywood is a domestic enemy.


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