Megyn Kelly Show Has Limp Debut – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Show Has Limp Debut

‘Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly’ Makes A Tepid Debut

NPR– Anyone hoping to get a sense of how former Fox News star Megyn Kelly might reinvent herself for her new role as NBC News’ big hire didn’t get a lot of clues from the rather conventional debut episode of Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly.

It was a program which came with some fanfare, particularly if you were watching NBC News platforms in the days leading up to Sunday’s debut. MSNBC, Today and NBC Nightly News all broadcast previews of Sunday Night‘s big get, Kelly’s sit-down last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But despite all the big headlines generated recently by allegations of untoward contact between Russian representatives and Donald Trump’s campaign officials, Kelly’s questions to Putin on the subject produced little besides irritated denials.

And though the program also featured stories from correspondents Cynthia McFadden and Harry Smith, there wasn’t really the kind of blockbuster, stylistic storytelling you would expect from a program trying to challenge CBS’ powerhouse Sunday newsmagazine, 60 Minutes.


34 Comments on Megyn Kelly Show Has Limp Debut

  1. Megyn on a typical night:”But how are you going to look at the same 15-year-old daughter you referenced and explain your vote (for Donald Trump, who used the p-word in a private joke)?”

  2. Rising star?
    She hit her pinnacle years ago.
    This “star” is burning out rapidly on a network known for a progressive political agenda.
    Crash and burn with the big salary, Kelly.

  3. Careful, Megyn. In your zeal to push the Narrative on Trump, you just humanized Putin a little bit. Good job with the big nothingburger which your MSM buddies now have to ignore.

  4. Megyn comes across as an airhead twit that dresses like a little tart. Mebbe she once was hot, not any more. Recipe for failure. And a left winger besides. Boring

  5. Much ado about nothing.

    Her former FOX viewers are not going to follow her over. I’m sure most are, like me, glad she’s gone.

    By the way, “stylistic storytelling”? I thought they were trying to market her as News.

  6. I had the distinct pleasure of not watching for many of the reasons stated above and a few more. Her IQ is in the low double digits no matter how much she is paid. Her rising star has experienced a burnout, all she can do now is hold on for the impending crash.

  7. She had a good run at Fox until she began to figure that she was the attraction rather then Foxnews as a whole. She was feisty, provactative and most importantly, attractive and she knew how to use it. She wanted more money and a hogher profile and Fox said no. I can’t blame her for looking elsewhere for a better position because we all do that in our careers.
    I think what’s funny is in a few months when the ratings still aren’t there, when the NBC execs realize that none of the Foxnews audience followed her and that they have some really high priced help that’s not paying for itself. Then the fun really begins as they try to extricate themselves from this particular tarbaby.

  8. Megan, your fan base at Fox was because of Fox, no you. When you left the only thing that went with you was your poor interviewing abilities and them “killer B’s” your husband loves.
    No fan base at NBC and them B’s ain’t what they used to “B”. Haha
    I made a funny.

  9. It might have worked 7 years ago is she was doing the show in lingerie. But age is a bitch and whats worse is she is just a run of the mill libtard so there are younger and hotter eye candy who don’t wax political so why bother.

    Actually, if I’m completely honest I don’t have cable so even if she was 7 years younger and doing the show in lingerie I still would not watch.

  10. I saw some of Putin’s comments. This really is too delicious. First, megyn is made out to be the dim-bulb, low wattage, lightweight nitwit that she is. No substance, WAY over her head. Second, Mr. Putin destroyed the podesta/hillary/mook/obozo/jarrett narrative of “The Russians did it.” That lie ran of out gas a long time ago and Putin demolished. I am feeling like Mr Putin is a better ally of the American people than the US media.

  11. NBC has two choices. Prop Kelley up like another network does for a mangled ear leftist maggot, or they can drop her like a hot potato and cut their losses. If NBC has any sense, cancellation in about 3 to 6 months.

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