Melania Trump, All That Is Best About Being The First Lady – IOTW Report

Melania Trump, All That Is Best About Being The First Lady

Tammy Bruce’s latest opinion piece for The Washington Times praises our first lady, Melania Trump. Bruce goes on to call out former first lady Michelle Obama for lowering herself by taking a petty swipe at the current first lady. Here


11 Comments on Melania Trump, All That Is Best About Being The First Lady

  1. Michelle Obama is a classic angry affirmative action brat: lazy, and insecure, because she knows she”s nowhere near worth the attention or benefits she has gotten her whole life.

    She has zero to offer, other than to perpetuate bitterness and hate. She”s AL sharpton in an ugly dress.

    She couldn’t shine anybody shoes, let alone Melania Trump’s.

  2. I am amazed Melania handles stilettos so well. They are great from age twenty to thirty, maybe thirty five….? After that your ankles get weaker and the pads on the balls of your feet disappear. Ten minutes, during a photo shoot, would be a lot, I’d think. Melania walks in the things all day long! …Lady in Red


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