Melania’s Answer To Chelsea Handler – IOTW Report

Melania’s Answer To Chelsea Handler

19 Comments on Melania’s Answer To Chelsea Handler

  1. Handler never heard a foreign born person with an accent before, because the foreign born she knows don’t speak any English at all.

    BTW, shouldn’t Handler be somewhere crying and making her slave midget touch her inappropriately? Get some new jokes, too. *Zzzz*

  2. Concrete proof that they can put anything on TV when a drunken slut, who slept her way to having three TV shows, can just open her vagina and a monolog falls out, then has the audacity to criticize an intelligent, elegant lady who has an accent.
    Ignorance, jealousy and hypocrisy wrapped in one ridden hard and put away wet tramp. I wouldn’t do that with my dog’s dick although no doubt she’s probably done that too!

  3. I can honestly say that I’ve heard the name Chelsea Handler, but I couldn’t tell you where she works, or what she handles.

    Just can’t keep track of the new bimbos anymore, I guess…


  4. This chelsea handler person is getting way too much press for this. I have never heard of this nobody; granted I live in a cave but I do get out occasionally and read BFH and Drudge etc. She looks to be a nasty violent stupid little left-wing turd who could not carry Mrs Trump’s lipstick case. Why would Melania Trump lower herself to associate with a hateful leftist scumbag nobody?

  5. chelsea handler: Old English term referring to one who sucks the cankers, pustules, and pimples off diseased penises and taints. Presently used as an epithet.

    (you could look it up)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. ***”but I couldn’t tell you where she works, or what she handles.”***
    She’s in charge of handling the jism cleanup detail every morning in the gay bars in the Chelsea neighborhood of NYC.

  7. Chelsea Handler? I thought that was the job description for the guy they paid to get Hillary’s daughter to her appointments on time.
    Huh. A comedian you say?
    Coulda fooled me…..

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