Melee At FOA – Leftists Infiltrate, All Hell Breaks Loose – IOTW Report

Melee At FOA – Leftists Infiltrate, All Hell Breaks Loose

There was a Friends of Abe meeting in Manhattan tonight. Leftists infiltrated and disrupted. Cops were called, cameras came out. Cops told FOA people to put cameras away. FOA people wanted what was happening on record. Cops didn’t.

Cops roughed up the good guys. Pinko was involved.

James O’Keefe was involved.


More later.

14 Comments on Melee At FOA – Leftists Infiltrate, All Hell Breaks Loose

  1. Manhattan. Well what the hell did they think would happen? NYC is LIBERAL!! If a conservative and a liberal get into a fist fight and the cops are called, the conservative gets proved out on the pavement with a gun barrel stuck in his ear while the cops buddies and the liberal tap dance on the conservatives torso and head. Just like any large CA city, conservatives are the new niggers of society.

  2. Manhattan. Well what the hell did they think would happen? NYC is LIBERAL!! If a conservative and a liberal get into a fist fight and the cops are called, the conservative gets proned out on the pavement with a gun barrel stuck in his ear while the cops buddies and the liberal tap dance on the conservatives torso and head. Just like any large CA city, conservatives are the new niggers of society.

  3. You see, this is the problem. When patriotic Americans who are having a peaceful rally are assaulted by the police were there to protect him from the actual violent agitators in their midst, what does this say about our government?
    I ask you, what is the recourse? Should we patriotic Americans bow down in the face of fascistic militant actions by the left? FUCK NO!!!
    I believe we are almost due for some reflexive actions to those who would violently silence us.

    No, I am not speaking of the police. But again, what is the recourse? When the government is so partisan and wicked that it sides with violent agitators, who are rioting in the streets and burning businesses, smashing windows and attacking the very police who are protecting them, in the name of the First Amendment!?! What the fuck are we supposed to do?
    First we have to deal with these violent and artistic agitators, and then, we have to deal with the government who, for all intent purposes seems to be supporting, encouraging and funding there position of violence. What is the recourse?
    If we were to respond to the left in the way that they instigate violence against us, firstly we would fucking slaughter them, but secondly, the government would side with the enemies of America, the left.

    So, I guess our recourse is just to get the KY jelly and bend over. Fuck that.

  4. Hey, why wasn’t I roughed up? I live in NJ and work in Manhattan. What’s the secret handshake? Who’s guarding the password? Let a lonely conservative in on the sweet FOA action.

  5. @mohammed’s PS ~ never forget, the Police are an arm of the government, as are the military. and they will do what they are ordered to do
    the Supreme Court has already ruled that the Police are not there to protect you … they are there to keep order for the government … the ‘government’ that writes their paychecks

  6. I hope to GOD that Pinko and O’Keefe got some good irrefutable recorded evident against any and all wrong doing. This is ridiculous. BLM get a little tear gas, but the FOA gets roughed up? Frightening stuff, I wonder if the cops thought it was okay because the leftists claimed the other guys were, ‘nazis’.

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