Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million to Global Family Planning to Counter Trump’s Pro-Life Policy – IOTW Report

Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million to Global Family Planning to Counter Trump’s Pro-Life Policy


“This is a difficult political climate for family planning,” Gates said at the Summit. “I’m deeply troubled, as I’m sure you are, by the Trump administration’s proposed budget cuts.”

“If empowering women is more than just rhetoric for the president, he will prove it by funding family planning,” she added, according to the Guardian.

The Summit is co-hosted by the Gates Foundation, the U.K. Department for International Development, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The Summit’s website says it is also in “close partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Global Affairs Canada.”


37 Comments on Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million to Global Family Planning to Counter Trump’s Pro-Life Policy

  1. Gee, I wonder how Melinda believes she earned her money? [perhaps through a little baby sacrifice to the devil? hmm?] Would explain her commitment to the murder of the unborn.

  2. “This is a difficult political climate for family planning.”

    Is “family planning” now the universal euphemism for irresponsible sex that eventually leads to the murder of our posterity?

    Next, the Pope will be outwardly telling us that there is no such thing as sin.

  3. Hey, Melinda – How about using a more accurate euphemism than “family planning”? I suggest “family pruning”.

    Euphemisms aside, I realize you’ll never never never call it “infanticide” so how about being honest enough to call it like it literally is: “foeticide”?

  4. They have had celebutards on The Price Is Right this week.
    Moronic tools like Jack Black, Jane Lynch, and Julie Bowen.
    TPIR was matching their chosen charities.
    Julie Bowen from Modern Family said her charity was Planned Parenthood to cheers from the crowd.

    Naturally I was rooting against her.
    She was supposed to help the contestants win.
    I was amazed at how stupid that was was in real life.
    It was incredible, so damn ignorant, she was of no help to the contestants.
    The ones that won, did so in spite of Julie.
    Thing is, she does a good job on Modern Family.
    It’s a shame she is as dumb as a rock.

  5. $375 million is a lot of dead babies. By the way, a lot of dead African babies – Where is the outrage?

    The Gate’s of Hell (see what I did there) said the money does not directly fund abortion, just contraception and education. Translation: We free up $375 million dollars for abortion that others would have used for contraception and education.

  6. Abortion does not empower anyone, least of all women. Despite the claims of several recent “studies” and gobs of “I had an abortion” stories out there, that put a happy face on abortion, there are plenty of serious studies that show the opposite and, clinically proven, women are at significantly higher risk for cervical, uterine and breast cancers (so get out there and raise money for the Pink Ribbon, girls!).

    Of course the babies involved in abortion are close to 100% at risk of being killed, so we know that abortion doesn’t empower a large population of girl babies who are sacrificed at the altar of “empowering women.”

    Empowering women? Empower them to do what, exactly? What are women so overwhelmingly contributing to society that is essential to its continuance? Oh, right — bringing the next generation into the world.

  7. Looks to me like our current “family planning” expenditures are getting us nothing but hordes of muslims and africans with a dozen kids each. Time to turn off the spigot.

  8. With the proper deployment of that money, divided between personnel and PR, physical plant and administration, she can probably kill between 55 and 65% of all the nigger babies born in the US in the next ten years.

    If she concentrated on Africa, the results would come close to 80% infanticide for the same expenditure.

    Does anybody know why Melinda hates black babies so strongly?

  9. Melinda Gates — wore a $10,000. mink-trimmed wedding dress on a private Hawai’in island wedding attended by fellow travelers. Isn’t it even a little shitty that a woman who can afford to have as many kids as she wants is encouraging other women to murder their children? How evil is that?

    Melinda Gates — a new Margaret Sanger for our times.

  10. Gates is more concerned about women being so-called “victimized” by a pro-life government policy that may or may not restrict a woman’s choice to kill future women, worshipped by feminists, and men, who feminists consider expendable.
    Nothing can stop a woman from killing her unborn children – many do, despite the consequences. Leftists just want to validate and make it acceptable to commit infanticide with the blessing of the government.
    This is a good example of how illogical and irrational leftist socialist agendas are used to establish a socialist doctine.

  11. From Abigail:”Melinda Gates — a new Margaret Sanger for our times.”

    Dear one, I think you nailed it. In all its horror.

    Some time ago I believed it wasn’t ‘manly’ to shed tears. Then I had a wife die on me. Had to rethink a bit after that.

    Now I just keep getting older and find ever more stuff that clouds my corneas. Shit like this.

    But if I’m hurtin’, means I still feel, means I’m still alive and paying attention. Just maybe it means I can speak against what I see wrong.

    I hope I stay strong enough to keep doing that. You keep helping me with that. OK?

  12. Hey, that’s great, Melinda! Spend YOUR money on this, don’t encourage the government to spend mine. Abortion is murder, and you’re guilty by association.

  13. With a lot of money comes a tremendous amount of responsibility. Some day she’s going to have to stand before the Lord and explain what she did with all the blessings he bestowed upon her. Ain’t gonna be pretty. There are a lot of kids who didn’t eat yesterday. No calories today. Tomorrow isn’t looking real promising either. And Melinda gates is using her wealth to have innocent and defenseless babies executed in the womb? Before leftists call anyone a Hitler, perhaps they should take a real good look at Mrs. Gates.

  14. Westernized countries have diminished their population so much, that they bring in muzzies for repopulation. Muzzies, with the exception of secretive and occasional muzzie women, do not abort. Black African women do not believe in abortion, so Melinda needs to convince them to abort, so muzzies can become more numerous, besides adding to the world wide blood sacrifice. I see talons in this whole scenario.

  15. Lowell —

    If it’s of any help at all, I was widowed, too; a long time ago, now. A life-changing event that knocks you off your feet — and if you’re lucky, onto your knees. And it is hard to keep your heart open in the hell of your wife’s absence. God bless you, Lowell.

  16. I want forced sterilization for these hood rats and other lowlife scum. Aborting babies is sinful and bringing feral criminals into the world is to. Either way we lose.

  17. As nerdy looking as Bill Gates is, given his MASSIVE fortune he could have his pick of any hot chick on the planet. Instead he chose the dullest and frumpiest lookin’ broad. He may be smart. But he sure has no common sense when it comes to scorin’ some hot ass.

  18. Jerry Manderin — Not even Gate’s money could overcome his unattractive personality. He’s no bargain in the looks department, himself, either. Lot’s of off-putting quirks and I think it would be very lonely being married to a guy who believes all the press clippings about being a “boy genius.” At the time it was reported that the mutual attraction was engineering. Apparently he chose the Employee of the Month. Can you imagine?

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