Memo Open Thread – IOTW Report

Memo Open Thread

We’re supposed to get a memo today. We’re supposed to, according to many pundits and politicians, be shaken to our core over what we’re going to see.

Use this thread for any, and all, dissemination of all things memo. This will remain here for most of the day.

135 Comments on Memo Open Thread

  1. My attitude towards the release of the memo is exactly the same as my attitude towards any championship game – the pre-game hype is interesting and titillating, but I just hope the final product good and I’m not expecting anything really earth shattering.

    As an outside looking in, it seemed very likely that there was corruption in the top levels of the DOJ and FBI, and I hope the memo starts the process of weeding out these corrupt officials. If Trump does nothing else for the next 3 years, pruning the deep state and purging the permanent bureaucracy (Democrat or Republican) will be an accomplishment to be proud of.

  2. I have a feeling we are going to be whipsawed between Devin McCarthy and Richard Milhouse Trump all damn day on TV. Assuming it comes out today and we watch the TV. But I doubt we’ll hear from Deep Throat Barky, on the advice of his newly-retained law firm. And Hillary is already in her weekend coma, so nothing out of Chappaqua, either.

  3. “The mountains shook, and gave birth to a mouse.”

    Political theater.
    There is no doubt the Bolsheviks are scared. There is also no doubt the Mensheviks are beaming. But I have a sneaking suspicion that the redactions are to protect the guilty – that none of this will lead to perp-walks of the grandee criminals – Lynch, Clinton, Holder, Comey, Obola, Mueller,
    The Grandee Criminals will be protected for the simple fact that they’re useful. The Disposable Criminals are, in fact, disposable. Koskinen, Lerner, and a host of others (not associated with this particular crime) will walk from shear ennui on the part of the citizenry and their protective “prosecutors.”

    We’ll see.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I worry that this is going to be like the first time I listened to Comey talk about Hillary. Everyone thought he was leading to taking her down and then he said nothing criminal happened.

  5. I hear the selling of lots of Sizzle
    There better be some steak
    My take away is no matter what is in the memo, the left is afraid of letting the Public know. That makes releasing it the important thing, not what’s in it

  6. I hope the memo mayhem isn’t a big nothing burger. I suspect that it will eventually be broad reaching and probably ensnare D’s and R’s. So be it. Drain the swamp.

  7. Reuters-
    U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday accused the FBI and the Justice Department’s top officials of politicizing its investigations as the White House prepared to approve the release of a controversial secret Republican memo alleging FBI bias against him in its Russia probe.

  8. It’s just a f’n memo, nobody’s gonna die from it. Probably full of ‘sloppy’ and ‘inconsistent’ along with a helping of ‘inconclusive’. The perp’s are walking to the bank, again.

  9. The DOJ and the FBI are in charge of investigating themselves and will appropriately administer corrective actions based upon the investigations.
    Much like what they did in the Lerner IRS crime, Benghazi, Clinton e-mail crimes, Bundy Ranch, Randy Weaver, the murder of LaVoy Finicum, botched FBI raid that killed the Houston hostage, failed Vegas attack investigation and the failed FBI Investigations of islamic terrorist groups in the US..

    I love my country, rightfully, I do not trust the DOJ and FBI.

  10. What is important to me is for the swamp to start draining. This represents just the first little bit. But you have to start somewhere, and if they successfully stop the release of this memo it will only embolden the bad guys. This needs to come out, followed by a whole bunch more!

  11. What I see is some low hanging fruit being fired or dismissed, maybe one poor sap gets charged for the Kabuki Theater. The Democrats will have egg on their face for a brief moment, but the Crap News Network will be dismissing all this as a witch hunt to draw heat off Trump and the Russian collusion nonsense.

    The FBI and DOJ will pledge new rules and regulations to prevent this from happening again, but nothing will be done that some future Democrats in power won’t be able to circumvent.

    Within a week, they will be talking about Dreamers and how Trump has screwed them. That’s how I see this playing out unfortunately.

  12. Regardless of what happens with the memo, the Deep State is on the run, and has seen its best days pass by forever. Black May has come and gone, and they haven’t noticed yet. The worst is yet to come for them…

    “May 1943 saw the U-boat strength reach its peak, with 240 operational U-boats of which 118 were at sea,[3] yet the sinking of Allied ships continued to decline. May 1943 also saw the greatest losses suffered by U-boats up to that time, with 41 being destroyed in May 1943 — 25% of the operational U-boats.[4]

    On 24 May 1943, Karl Dönitz — shocked at the defeat suffered by the U-boats — ordered a temporary halt to the U-boat campaign; most were withdrawn from operational service.

    May had seen a drop in allied losses coupled with a disastrous rise in U-boat losses; 18 boats were lost in convoy battles in the Atlantic in the month, 14 were lost to air patrols; six of these in the Bay of Biscay. With losses in other theatres, accident, or other causes, the total loss to the U-boat arm in May was 43 boats.”

    Cause of Loss Number lost

  13. What ever it turns out to be it will without a doubt further divide this country into left vs The United States of America. This country must be one or the other it can’t be both. I wish this could be the straw that broke the camel’s back but if nothing else I hope it instills an even stronger resolve for the right to fight even harder against the left.

  14. The memo is just the tip of the iceberg.

    My hope is that exposing it to sunshine will make it easier to melt… and harder to skate! I won’t be satisfied until I see perp-walks. They’re coming (she said with tepid confidence)!

  15. “I have a feeling we are going to be whipsawed between Devin McCarthy and Richard Milhouse Trump all damn day on TV.” – 3rd T

    WRONG! We are going to be whipsawed between Devin McCarthy and Richard Milhouse Trump from now until November Mid-Term election day!

  16. “I am getting the strong sense that we are being played.” – Moe’s pinkhole

    Yes…BUT: it’s intentional to creat maximum attention in the general public and maximum panic/confusion among the traitorous Dems.

    1) First, THE MEMO.
    2) Then, maybe declassification and release of a few of the documents on which THE MEMO was based.
    3) FINALLY, Inspector General Horowitz’s REPORT, which will be THE LEGAL HAMMER to start construction of the legal “guillotines.”

  17. I get tickled, “It’s just like when McCarthy was witch hunting.”- Perennial Losers
    With the fall, McCarthy was proven correct about his accusations, the USSR had agents in Hollywood, actively recruiting and propagandizing.

  18. TO cato
    For you to NOT trust FBI/DoJ (and CIA, NSA, etc) is normal and HEALTHY.

    But NO, the DoJ and the FBI are NOT in charge of investigating themselves. For you to be so cynical about what Trump and IG Horowitz can do is, to be generous, destructive as hell, not just to you, but to others who may be less informed.

  19. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” ~Ephesians 6:12

    There is also a nefarious and underhanded SPIRITUAL DEEP STATE working against our best interests that Christ has for us as well. (PRESIDENT Trump voice) That I can tell you. BELIEVE ME.

  20. TO cato
    For you to NOT trust FBI/DoJ (and CIA, NSA, etc) is normal and HEALTHY.

    But NO, the DoJ and the FBI are NOT in charge of investigating themselves…NOT under Trump! For you to be so cynical about what Trump and IG Horowitz can do is, to be generous, destructive as hell, not just to you, but to others who may be less informed.

  21. “The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans – something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File are great people!” – TRUMP

    Can anyone imagine ANY previous President (in our lifetime) who would say AND TAKE ACTION on this?!?

  22. Hoping this is progressive. Memo, supporting evidence for memo, Inspector General’s report, midterm election landslide victories over the dems, and finally a Trump victory in 2020. All the while witnessing the take down of the deep state forever. The whole nine yards. Including prison for the top echelon of the last administration and all the top tier of the alphabet agencies. Plus all the supporting bureaucrats. Yes, I am dreaming about Freedom.

  23. I listened to Dan Bongino this morning on podcast filling in for Mark Levin yesterday. It is well worth the time listening to it for anyone who wants to know what has been going on here.

  24. Since I am dreaming, I might as well dream about prosperity for all of us. No sense cutting our selves short. Freedom. Prosperity. Truth. Justice. Happiness. Fulfillment. Love. Peace. Good Will towards men.(Mankind)

  25. Actually I’m ok with the slow roll on he memo, as long as it comes out. Trump said it would, 100%, and I trust him on that.

    The slow release is annoying to us, but it must be absolutely gas-lighting the left, media, and those responsible for this corruption.

  26. @RottyLover; whatever’s happening in your life be as strong as you can and remember you have friends that expect to be leaned on from time to time.

    As far as the memo goes, Trump ought to hold a press conference explaining what’s important and how it all ties together (hell use visual aids) and to assure the people that he will make it his business to shine a light on what’s been happening for years in the Washington shadows. Then it won’t be buried in the Friday trash day and the Dems don’t automatically get chance to rebut.

  27. Flip, this memo release is more for the benefit of those who haven’t been paying attention. You’ve been paying attention. Now, your job is to be there for the shocked and awed noobs.

  28. Wow. After all we’ve heard from all the blogger-analysts out there, this is *almost* tame.

    But enough to get the ball rolling.

    “Everybody (on the Left) panic!”

  29. Members of the FBI used a piece of oppo research to secure a FISA warrant on Carter Page without telling the FISA judge where the info came from. They then renewed the warrant three times.

    They knew the basis was false, but they did it anyway. They also leaked the existence of the dossier to the press at every opportunity as another means to undermine the president.

    Comey knew, Orr knew, McCabe knew, Yates probably knew, Comey’s people knew.

  30. This is confirmation of what we all have suspected. And a little worse. The Black Hats never let the FISA judge know that they were using a POLITICAL DOCUMENT to obtain the warrant. Three times. So there was collusion. All originating from Hitlaries Campaign. Now what? I want to see some chained up MoFo’s.

    I hope like hell this is what is actually going on. We need to clean house.

  31. Hats off to the researcher/analysts
    who’ve helped us to be WEEKS AHEAD of the loop:

    (at) Imperator_Rex3
    (at) DaveNYviii
    (at) ThomasWictor
    (at) DrawAndStrike
    (at) JosephMasepoes
    (at) rising_serpent
    (at) NameRedacted5
    (at) Thomas1774Paine
    (at) OverChill
    (at) GOPPollAnalyst
    (at) t193931
    (at) TruthInGov2016
    (at) lastrefuge

  32. It seems like a bland memo, but it confirms what some pundits and officials have been speculating about. It’s one thing for Alex Jones to rail about corruption; it’s quite another for a House investigatory arm to name names.

    Bottom line: officials at the FBI and DOJ lied and knowingly withheld information to a FISA court in order to obtain surveillance on an American citizen. It is also clear from the memo that these acts were motivated by political reasons. Let’s squeeze some of these perps and see if we can’t go higher on the corruption ladder.

  33. This memo brings up a lot more questions than it answers. I’m bigly disappointed in it because it reads as less than conclusive and gives an entry for Schiff and the D’s to argue against it. Wiggle room. It would have been more compelling if it had also concluded that not only did the Steele “dossier” provide a basis for unlawful FISA approval, but that it also provided the basis for Meuller’s appointment to an investigation into Russian collusion with Trump’s campaign.

    I just heard this phrase: “evidential value”

  34. “Let’s squeeze some of these perps and see if we can’t go higher on the corruption ladder.”

    Won’t have to. Some will suicide out, either voluntarily or otherwise. The former as well as others have already been in negotiations to cut deals for a while now.

    I guarandamntee it.

  35. TO Abigail
    I think that was the idea: The Memo is the wake up the American public in general and get talk going. With any talk of “you got no proof!”, that gives Trump the segue to say, “you *want* proof? Well, HERE’S the proof,” declassifying and releasing the damning evidence…

    …all while the IG Horowitz Report is (about to be) released and is the MOAB…

  36. Now we know that they all knew what we all knew.
    Basically, a nothing burger. This has been all over the internet for weeks, in one way or an another.
    If anything, this so-called investigation should stop today, it’s predicated on the original lies to the FISC.
    Nobody’s going to jail over this.

  37. “The Memo is the APPETIZER”

    It’s the first shot fired. A little perspective. Does this make Watergate look like small potatoes? I believe so. Not disappointing for me. It was predictable but not disappointing.

  38. Knowingly false information used to secure a FISA warrant and THREE separate renewals of same. Involved: FBI Director and AD, DOJ Deputy Attorneys General (3), major establishment media sources, the DNC leadership, and the Clinton campaign. All this as a calculated strategy to destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidential campaign. And these are just the actors that we know about at this time. There will be more as these persons begin to squeal. As President Trump stated, “this is a disgrace”

  39. It’s time to put McCain under oath and find out what the treasonous son-of-a-bitch knew and when he knew it about the Dossier. This is only a self-serving statement to distract from his role in this fiasco.

    John McCain assails Nunes memo, warns GOP is ‘doing Putin’s job for him’

  40. “Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) released a statement Friday slamming recent efforts to discredit the integrity of U.S. intelligence agencies. “The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests — no party, no president’s, only [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s,” McCain wrote.”

  41. Czar, love all of your posts on this thread. The memo won’t be a surprise to all of us who have been keeping up. It is part of a sequence that Trump has planned, leading up the the IG report. All will be exposed before the midterms. Sleep well, swamp rats.

  42. Just went to Representative Matt Gaetz website to begin contacting him.
    It shows his twitter feed. This is what he has tweeted:

    “I am hopeful that the release of the FISA memo will create
    a bipartisan opportunity to evaluate the surveillance protocols
    and oversight to ultimately stop this type of abuse from happening in the future.”

    Are you fucking serious? After all this, after championing this information and memo,
    after the appearances on the media shows and on Hannity…THIS sums up your position?

    I am near riot-level outraged at this point.

  43. I got pop ups on this page and on the memo link page warning that this site’s security certificate could not be verified. Now there’s irony! So, yes *click* I WOULD like to continue to load this page. And I would very much like to continue to watch the swamp being drained…

  44. The memo confirms everything I have been reading at The Last Refuge. I was curious, happened to look at some MSM, from CBS:
    “What does the memo not say?
    The memo does not appear to allege any breaking of federal law. The memo also does not claim the Russia investigation was started with the dossier.”

    1. Well golly gee George! The memo says no laws were broken. Heck! This is just a big nothing burger….
    2. puh-leeeeze

  45. Mockingbird Media working in overdrive… ignore them.

    Yes flip, its what we all knew, and were asking for the firing squad. Now its not just suspicion, rumor, etc… now its official. More to come.

    Pedophiles, drug running, gun running, ms13 rico involving Guitierez, Becerra, Schiff, Pelosi, Waters, almost all Cal delegation, and Crowley from NYC, Nadler, Meekes, Schumer. Wiener, Huma etc.. we see. One step at a time.

  46. CoD, BB, all: Maybe disappointing *because* we have been privy to most of the details for such a long time. It seems to me it was EVERYONE OUTSIDE this pitiful gov’t who concluded everything that was in the memo — months ago! It’s been like watching a 1950’s horror movie — “Why doesn’t she turn on the light in the room before she goes looking for the monster?! Oh no!! Don’t go into that room! (monster grabs her, she struggles and runs) Oh no! Don’t trip over that unlikely tree root sticking up!! (girl trips over tree root and writhes around on the ground). Oh no! Get up!! (girl gets up but monster grabs her and kills her). The End.

    When are we going to get to the surprise ending?

  47. That bitch Comey’s response on tweeter.

    James Comey
    21m21 minutes ago

    That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.

  48. Get ready for more spinning than a Texas tornado from the Dems and the Lame Stream Media on this one.
    So when does the Paddy Wagon pull up to the Hill & Billy house and haul her lard A$$ off the the hoosegow?

  49. “The crime that haunts James Comey: How the former FBI director and his brother were held hostage as teenagers in their New Jersey home at gunpoint by a deranged rapist – who has NEVER been caught”

    This event must have ruined his mind because nobodies this stoopid.

  50. Comey’s “That’s it?” comment tells us that he believes the improper use of FISA and FISC by the FBI, DOJ, and NSA to spy on and damage political opponents is to him no big deal and perfectly acceptable, unlike the rest of us who understand and appreciate the Constitutional limits on govt power, and the separation of powers. He is despicable.

  51. The memo seems to end abruptly. It tells us what we really already knew, but I think it’s just the first step. We need more memos, and most of all we need the the evidence behind the memos.

  52. Damn, Czar, that site has all the libs claiming it proves Trump was lying from the beginning. (I paraphrase b/c I’m getting tired of this) The MSM spin will be in top gear, if they even care to talk about it.
    Nobody is going to get hurt over this. The only person to complain, IMO, would be the FISC judge, who is probably neck deep in this to begin with. Why else would the original warrant be allowed without presenting any collaborating evidence that would be in the subject’s favor?
    It’s a big f’n swamp.

  53. Comey is scared shitless and you can see that in his response. If the DOJ and the FBI actually do their job this traitor will either be in a SuperMax for his own protection or in a Federal Prison (not one of the nice ones) in protective custody because I imagine a lot of drug cartel members would love to get their hands on some ex-FBI Director.

  54. TO Abigail

    Sorry I’m late in responding; went for a walk on the beach to get perspective….

    You’ve hit on the same observation one of the analysts I listed mentioned: it’s EXACTLY like Alfred Hitchcock’s method of “suspense” and “fear”…

    …if you show a couple at a dinner table, and it explodes and you see the bodies, well, that’s a shock, and it’s over, until the next scene…BUT…

    …if you show a couple at a dinner table, THEN show a ticking bomb under the table, then go back to the relaxed couple, well, THEN you’ve got the audience’s attention!!!

    And THAT’S EXACTLY how Trump planned this trap.


  55. @ Burner:

    …Nobody is going to get hurt over this. The only person to complain, IMO, would be the FISC judge, who is probably neck deep in this to begin with. Why else would the original warrant be allowed without presenting any collaborating evidence that would be in the subject’s favor?

    Consider this conjecture discussed at The Last Refuge recently. The original “warrant” was issued in the Manafort investigation for his activities well before he joined the Trump campaign. He spent something like ten years in Ukraine and had some might nasty clients there and elsewhere, and it was a legitimate investigation – foreign intelligence by definition – into those clients’ activities in the U.S. that involved Manafort that, again, legitimately, prompted the FISC to OK using the NSA upstream 702 data for his possibly criminal activity.

    Here’s the kicker: once Manafort joined the Trump campaign, the corrupt FBI/DOJ cabal then used the political opposition research paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign to ask the FISC for an expansion/extension of the original “warrant”.

  56. For those Doubting Thomases out there, here’s another way to look at this Memo’s impact (from Clock Upon The Wall over at Imperator Rex’s twitter):

    Nunes and staff nailed it. Nunes has way more including the actual FISA applications, list of Americans unmasked due to this illegal surveillance (including who unmasked it) but has provided just the right amount to see where the rats scurry, bravo

    GET IT?!?

  57. AND…as a fitting coda, here’s Imperator Rex himself on the significance of The Memo:

    You just don’t get what’s happened today, do you?

    Trump-Russia is dead.

    All investigations that stem from these illegal warrants & the fictional Steele dossier are now null and void. They’ll be shut down in the coming weeks.

    All indictments will be quashed.

    It’s OVER.

  58. Great thread…more on the significance of this release:

    5. The memo IS a bombshell. It sets out a deliberate and highly illegal scheme by the people involved to LIE to the FISC, so they could spy on Team Trump. And they did this 4 times, which I wasn’t aware of, knowing that the dossier was full of lies AND was a Clinton /DNC product.

    6. Putting aside the crimes involved, as well as the fact that they seemed to be doing this AFTER the election (important!) , does everyone realize how frightening this is? It means that Obama’s administration were using the power of the state to target innocent citizens.

    7. So let’s say you were highly critical of Obama. What this proves is that with a click of his finger, he could set his dogs onto you, using false evidence to spy on you, the FBI to intimidate you and your family & media slaves to denigrate you. Folks, that’s what dictators do.

  59. @Uncle AL
    Mueller filed to postpone sentencing Flynn, hmmmmm. Of course the rabid press floats, “Flynn is cooperating”!!! Failure to follow logic, Flynn was only charged with lying to FBI, nothing more, nothing less.

    Manafort/Gates attys have bowed out representing them in the recent charges.

    IF, the initial FISA warrant (and continuation) was initially based on Manafort surveillance, there’s still NO evidence pointing towards Trump (collusion or otherwise).

    It appears, the Mueller/FISC(Flynn-Judge Contreras recusal)/Manafort-Gates attys, have concluded they don’t wish to be the Joker(s) in this House of Cards when it comes crashing down.

  60. @Czar of Defenestration
    To be generous …..

    Those who control he evidence (DOJ, FBI, Judiciary), control the investigation. Evidence has been withheld, lost, not recoverable, deleted, refused to be provided through Request for evidence, failure to preserve evidence, obfuscation, lies, deceit and partisan judge’s rulings.

    I hope your faith in Sessions and Wray (as appointees) to bring forth all the requested notes, e-mails, documents, evidence of corruption, political collusion and sedition are realized.

    In the same light those involved inside the government are terminated (without retirement benefits) and those outside government are prosecuted right along with the insiders to the letter of the law. No plea bargaining, deals or immunity from the tail of the snake to its head.

    Thus far there is no evidence President Trump controls either of these two appointees or their agencies (DOJ and FBI, who are supposed to be impartial). And I hope that never happens, otherwise he would be acting as Obama did by politicizing these two agencies to act in total disregard for the law.

    Release “all” the evidence and let the law take its course. This will shed a bright light upon the darkness of the establishment deep state.

  61. I just love, how every LOCAL lamestream outlet, has EVERY talking head, describe the memo in the EXACT same way.

    “The memo – WRITTEN BY REPUBLICANS…” 🙄

    Lamestream media collusion? Nahhhhh… couldn’t be… 😡

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