Memo To Mitch McConnell: You Won’t Get Judges If You Don’t Hold Resistance Accountable For Russia Hoax – IOTW Report

Memo To Mitch McConnell: You Won’t Get Judges If You Don’t Hold Resistance Accountable For Russia Hoax

The Federalist: McConnell better figure out quickly that if he doesn’t hold the Resistance accountable for the Russia hoax that harmed his party and the entire country for many years, he won’t have a majority in the next term.

9 Comments on Memo To Mitch McConnell: You Won’t Get Judges If You Don’t Hold Resistance Accountable For Russia Hoax

  1. McConnell is a part of the swamp. Can you IMAGINE what the swamp must have on this guy after all his years in the Senate, with his Chinese wife in bed with the ChiComm$$$?

    Just about EVERYONE in public office or in high bureaucrat positions is CORRUPT, and likely bought off by the ChiComms. Until we clean house (at LEAST another 4 years of PDJT), don’t trust any of these rats.

  2. Couldn’t even read the whole commentary, I got enough of the gist in the first few paragraphs.

    Kentucky, it’s time to primary Mitch, the ruling class Bitch, out of office.

  3. This is quite the predicament for many here on iOTW will have to face: Do I vote for the Rep/rep that I have, to keep the power/$$$ from the Libs, OR EFF ‘EM, if they make no attempt at rectifying THIS MESS the Dems put us(a) in!

    IF you choose the latter, what are the consequences when both House/Senate is consolidated in ITS thirst for power. AS you know it appears when the Reps have the advantage in the House what gets done? When the Dems get it?? We get Hope and Change…

    I don’t have this decision/problem personally to make, where I live(NY), there is no Rep or Con to vote for to begin with! Within a hundred miles as they say…

  4. He’s a Doomer Boomer, aka, Chinese Post Turtle, aka GARBAGE. He will do absolutely nothing of consequence to hold anyone accountable. But don’t let the Tea Party rear its ugly head again!

  5. The Resistance does not like having the majority. When they are in the minority they can huff and puff and talk about all the wonderful things they would do if they only had the majority but they still get invited to the right cocktail parties..

    When they have the majority they actually have to work for a living and that is not what they signed up for.

  6. I have caught a lot of heat saying that establishment Republicans are as great a threat, if not a greater threat than most Democrats. I firmly believe that.

    They are absolute filth who will lie to your face without compunction, and stab you in the back evert chance they get.

    They have controlled the Washington State Republican Party for decades and I have a lot of experience with them, very little of it good

  7. I Remember years ago when KVI fired John Carson. Kirby Wilbur and Michael Medved went on in Carlson’s time slot to explain that Carlson left because he could not come to terms with the station on a new contract.

    Just about every caller said it was because Carlson voiced his support for an initiative on the ballot in the next election. Wilbur was getting rather insulting and was pretty much saying that the callers were stupid. The callers were having none of it.

    I turned out that Carlson WAS fired because of that initiative as he was one of the sponsors and was pushing it on the air. I would have to agree that the station has to walk a fine line in a situation like that but they could have been honest about it. If they had said “We had to let him go because he was Improperly pushing his initiative on the air,” People would have accepted it. Instead they said, essentially, “You have to be some kind of idiotic conspiracy theorist to even THINK that had anything to do with it.”

    I don’t think KVI has been the same since. And Wilbur went on the be the head of the King County GOP.

  8. Two years ago I refused to vote for any current office holder at any level and also no liberal Republicans who made it out of the primaries. I voted for some Independents, even a few crazy Libertarians(they’re nutty as shit here) and when my choice was incumbent and democrat I didn’t vote in that race.
    Not because of my voting, because all Republicans on my ballot were elected.
    On my state level they voted for themselves a pay raise, voted to send millions to museums, have even introduced a bill to allow them to spend campaign contributions on personal travel, personal mortgages, etc., all while they’ve had our businesses going bankrupt because they closed them down. So they all did as I expected.
    On the federal level seeing what the democrats have done in the house, I’m not sure that’s a good idea for those whose vote does make a difference. But then everything is so screwed up now, worse than ever in my lifetime I’m not sure it makes a difference. We’re pretty much screwed as both sides don’t give a shit about us or our country.

    I don’t think we’ll ever vote our way out of our problems.


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